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OUT NOW Dying Light 2

Just got to the bazaar....

Those sleeping beauties were scary as fuck
Just downloaded it.. the other day

I mean the other joint was open world but this is another level with so much architecture land to traverse and explore i juat touched down in the city foreal after the first hospital mission cant wait to progress rank up shit and really get to the fun

I wishbyou could hide your game saves so your lil nephews dont jam you up😆
I need to get back to this....

I should.... But I'm bout to play GTA 😫🤦🏿‍♂️
It ain't like the first one. That was flawless imo.

The first one had me on the edge of my seat nearly every other turn. This reminds me of TLOU2. Okay to pass time, but didn't get my attention like the first one.
I spoke too soon.

This game was tha shyt. Idk if this one was better or the first one. This thang was worth every penny. I could only wonder what a DL3 would look like. I miss having guns, but this was still worth while.

9 or 9.5 out of 10.