Dwight Howard: Underrated, Properly Rated, Overrated

Dwight Howard:

  • Underrated

  • Properly Rated

  • Overrated

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I agree. He actually had flashes where he’d kill it. The best example being game 2 of the first round in 14.

This nigga an animal lol

32/14/4 blocks and this is after the rockets stopped feeding him

13 straight points in the 1st Q

“Dwight never worked on his game”


Rockets Dwight is peak Dwight offensively
He was the best player for the rockets in that series.

Too bad they couldn’t do shit with Aldridge.
Aldridge the most underrated player in the league this past decade but that’s for another thread

I’m waiting for the fuckheads to get in here to slander Dwight tho
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Everybody forget how good this dude was in his prime
Stats wise, he’s pretty much a lock for the HoF. A ring solidifies it.

But, he....is...a....CLOWN. Probably the biggest clown ever in the league. He was never a real leader, was a coach-killer, and couldn’t rise up to the occasion when his franchise (the Magic, Lakers, and Rockets) needed him to.

Unfortunately, clowns with good stats make the Hall, so he’ll get in.
Severely underrated

He is a hall of fame player for sure.

His last really good season was in Charlotte a few years ago and played well for them and looked almost like his prime self.