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OUT NOW Drake - Scorpion


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Drake = Amy Schumer

Bitch stole Patrice O'Neal's act and cant be called out on it.

Bitch helped usher in a Politcally Correct form of comedy that i dubbed Sterile Standup.

Then you have the Powers That Be behind the bitch, killing the ability to rate her shows to help push an agenda.

It is the exact same thing.

Snowflake liberals trying to force politically correct hip hop down the throats of the masses.

And then you have people that pray at the altar of Brand Recognition being good lil consumers and doing as they are told.

Gotta keep up with the nigga down the street with the charger!

Gotta keep the windows down blasting shitty music in hopes of attracting someone that digs the shitty music, then accidentally have a kid with them and create another bitch assed fatherless male because you didnt realize that the music she/he dug was huge fucking warning sign that they themselves were bitch made.

So much fun!

Round and round we go.

This is how we missed out on Chante Moore and wound up with fuck ass Jennifer Lopez... Cause you bastards THINK you know good music.

Fucking coppertops.
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You're smart enough to know there's really no cheat code.

i refuse to believe this is coming from you

until i get confirmation, i'm gonna treat this post as a hack of your account

good day sir
Aight so

@Black_Samson was 100% right about this Drake shit

was refereeing some games this weekend and they had this chick at table that has run the clock and shit the last couple of times i've called there.

anyway, she 20...we get to talking about music

we ended up talking about Drake

i asked her had she heard daytona...she goes "fuck Pusha T for doing that to Drake. He was a hoe for putting that out about his son before he had a chance to. He wasnt hiding his son...he was just waiting for the right time to talk about him"

Im sure her thoughts are shared by the legions of fans he has

I asked her "do you have issue with Drake basically hoping on other people's waves and him getting the credit for it?"

She goes "he's just an innovator and paying homage"

i cant make this shit up

does buying this nigga music come with a sack of excuses and pleas you tell people when they call him out??

Niggas doing the same thing in the Pusha vs Drake thread and this thread.

I think we’re looking at Album Of The Year, fellas.

This is gonna be viewed as a classic once the smoke clears.