Welcome To aBlackWeb

Down with Doom Scrolling, Up Hope Posting

One of the principals about being born again, is understanding that you’re going back to infancy. Back to before you knew how to walk, talk, act, exist.

God is going to teach you how to talk, how to walk, how to see, how to love, how to grow.

When you were a child, you just mimicked what you became, you saw others walked and your learned, you saw other be and you became.

But you weren’t aware, you don’t remember how hard it was to learn to do something that is now so instinctual. So as god is teaching you how to do it as you are aware of the difficulties.

It feels like punishment, rather than love, but it is love. No one cares about you like god cares. Who always has time to listen? Who always has time to make sure you get it right? Who always is there for you!

Think, who would take the time to make sure you know how to love and be loved? Most marriages fail because of this, think someone you felt undying love for, gave up on you because they didn’t have the time to wait for you to learn how to love.

God never gives up, and if you humble yourself to understand that you don’t know how to do things the way they should be done. You will be open to be taught how to do it. And it will be like nothing you have ever experienced.

Everything will have purpose and yet nothing will matter. Can you imagine such a peace?