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Dominion sues Fox News for defamation with evidence Fox personalities KNEW they were lying.


The one between three and three.
Dominion's filing basically confirms everything everyone with sense knew along about Fox News: They lied, knew they were lying, and kept doing it anyways to get viewers and ad revenue.

“I have never seen a defamation case with such overwhelming proof that the defendant admitted in writing that it was making up fake information in order to increase its viewership and its revenues,” Tribe told the Guardian. “Fox and its producers and performers were lying as part of their business model.”

The case concerns Fox News’s repetition of Donald Trump’s lie that his 2020 defeat by Joe Biden was the result of electoral fraud, including claims about Dominion voting machines.

Tribe said the filing “establishes that Fox was not only reckless” but also that producers, owners and personalities were “deliberately lying and knew they were lying about the nature of Dominion’s machines and the supposed way they could be manipulated”.

Filed last week, the 192-page document makes it clear that senior figures at Fox News from Rupert Murdoch down knew immediately after the election that claims of voter fraud, in particular those aimed at Dominion, were false.
Fox is healthy cash wise 1.6 billion ain’t gonna stop business but the reputation hit might cause some damage
I'm sure he's used to being sued bc he owns the tabloid Daily Mail but this isn't the only major lawsuit against Fox.

If he could have sold to Disney they would have