OPINION Do you think World War 3 will happen in our lifetime?

Mar 6, 2017
Hampton VA
So the US has not been in a major openly declared war against a superpower since WW2. Yes we were in Vietnam for like 10 years and we been in Iraq and Afghanistan almost 20 years. But those countrires aint super powers like say a UK, Russia, China, or Korea. The US and allies have been behind a lot of cold wars and secrets and all sorts of shady shit. I dont know if the world is more divided now then the 40s. And after WW2 there was a long period of social changes civil rights movement womens movement etc.

And now in 2019 we seeing the impact of those movements but Military Industrial complex aint going anywhere my state thrives off it actually and if the shipyard wasnt making boats for the Navy or even worse if we had no Navy base this shit would be dead here. And im aure its like that in any other military town. So our economy relies on consistent conflict large and small.

Developed countries dont seem to want to risk declaring war on each other because of the damage and public outcry and they seem to all have nukes which aint no recovery from. We also used different fronts. China Russia UK are all in Africa. North pole region cam be worth trillions when the ice caps melt and becomes a trade routes.

What do yall think?
I dont think a WORLD War will happen, but i got a feeling a big war will happen sometime in our lifetimes. a very US effecting war. We got 1.5 more years with this trump fella. If he wins a second term though..

I think a lot of folks who didnt vote was because both options were just total shit. They said that this was one of the lowest voted elections ever. I think those same people will go out to vote just to make sure he isnt in office anymore. Might not be a Dem, but maybe a independent candidate will get a good shot next election.

I just cant wait until I can call a right winger a snowflake for 4 years. I dont know why but that term makes me mad when i hear it and i dont even fully understand its purpose.
Thinking more of a civil war..Gov x Civilians
something needs to be done inter-state wide because we have been getting duked way to long!

and as Lou stated:
I dont think a WORLD War will happen, but i got a feeling a big war will happen sometime in our lifetimes. a very US effecting war. We got 1.5 more years with this trump fella. If he wins a second term though..

I think a lot of folks who didnt vote was because both options were just total shit. They said that this was one of the lowest voted elections ever. I think those same people will go out to vote just to make sure he isnt in office anymore. Might not be a Dem, but maybe a independent candidate will get a good shot next election.
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I'm more inclined to think instead a world war. We'll have a world government oppress the people with their respective military's. Some world wide martial law type shit.
you know i fucks with ya opinions...

The Cold War on steroids.

NRA male leadership swindled by a Russian female spy. Cause men with big guns love to cock measure for women. Deadass have them control Congress into doing nothing about gun control. Have spec opps create division, mistrust, anxiety among the people through a device 90% of the people have in their hand. Have that create hysteria and mass shootings. Have that same NRA pressure the politicians into doing nothing but sending thoughts and pressures. Add more fuel to the flame.

I respect Putin and his generals for the burn..that's some efficient tactful shit. I ain't even mad bruh
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Nah, but im sure we'll have another big war at some point, just not a ww3 scale, plus now with nukes involved i dont think anyone would wanna even get to that point
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Funny this was made.

Day before yesterday I had a homie who told me he could see one happening soon
I think a civil war is more likely than a world war between countries. There is a lot of money tied up at the top and for what purpose? The top 5 or 10%? Could literally end world hunger right now but dont? For what purpose. Let us destroy the planet as they fuck off somewhere with their inbred children and become the aliens who come back and visit us in some weird time loop shit. No wait, I'm high how did I get here.