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do you still wear your Covid masks in public?

do you still wear your Covid masks in public?

  • yes

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • no

    Votes: 17 81.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
As soon as it stopped being a requirement to enter businesses I stopped wearing em

The paper ones barely work

The cloth ones need way more washing day to day than I think anyone was doing

With that said I don't judge anyone wearing em especially indoors in closed spaces
People still wear them pretty heavy in the restaurant. I think it's a reasonable environment. Close quarters, breathing over folks food, having to interact with multiple people all day. If you not feeling 100%, even if everything is negative... I'm not gonna side eye you for wearing one
nah..............this is really a city/up north thing

people down south and in smaller towns look at u crazy for wearing a mask

even at the height of the pandemic mofos were looking at u with skepticism for wearing masks

I really only did it as a courtesy becuz of the public peer pressure 🙁

and truthfully unless u were wearing a face sealing mask, them shits only really worked for keeping ur own air/saliva from traveling freely

a lot of mofos feel like they are protecting themselves when most masks don't protect u from the environment

ironically the people who are the most vulnerable shouldn't be the ones actually wearing masks

but they are the main ones doing so to "protect" themselves
I still wear a mask sparingly like if I'm going to a medical establishment like the doctor's office or the dentist. I made sure to wear a mask every time I had a dental appointment b/c every time I looked up folks were either coughing or snotting.

I just recently wore a mask while in the theater b/c it was so many folks coughing throughout the movie.
Only ugly people are still wearing masks in public if not mandated.


Word, I saw some decepticon looking nıgga in my gym with one looking like Mileena from mortal kombat dawg 🤮.