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Do you like Science?

I like Science...then there is the other side of Science which has been twisted to fit peoples agendas...take the big bang theory for example...how could they possibly know such a thing ever happened? did they ever break down how they came to this conclusion? most people never question shit tho tell somebody that a scientist said it and they will believe it without seeking an explanation of how they came to their conclusion.

It's the same thing with Dinosaurs...A paleontologist tells you some made up fairy tail bullshit about Dinosaurs existing and people just buy it.
im interested in science and always have been....just didnt go to school

so I dont know shit, but I like docs and programs about all that shit

more so into chemistry and biology than trash and the erf....thats what, ecology?
I like Science...then there is the other side of Science which has been twisted to fit peoples agendas...take the big bang theory for example...how could they possibly know such a thing ever happened? did they ever break down how they came to this conclusion? most people never question shit tho tell somebody that a scientist said it and they will believe it without seeking an explanation of how they came to their conclusion.

It's the same thing with Dinosaurs...A paleontologist tells you some made up fairy tail bullshit about Dinosaurs existing and people just buy it.
Here we go again.
I like Science...then there is the other side of Science which has been twisted to fit peoples agendas...take the big bang theory for example...how could they possibly know such a thing ever happened? did they ever break down how they came to this conclusion? most people never question shit tho tell somebody that a scientist said it and they will believe it without seeking an explanation of how they came to their conclusion.

It's the same thing with Dinosaurs...A paleontologist tells you some made up fairy tail bullshit about Dinosaurs existing and people just buy it.

Keyword "theory"

that's why it's not "theory of gravity"
If so, answer this.

Did you know in 2012, Americans alone produced over 250 million tons of garbage. One large component of this waste consisted of oil based plastic bags, which are utilized excessively by grocers, restaurants, and stores nationwide.

What do you think is an environmental problem caused by an extensive use of plastic bags?
I believe in science Kandy Bear

Allergens and Kandy make AK

An AK spit 50

Split that in half you get 25

Separate those two you get 2 and 5

2 * 5 is 10

If there's no A with the K

That's like 0 with out the 1

Which means I'd be nothing without you
I like Science...then there is the other side of Science which has been twisted to fit peoples agendas...take the big bang theory for example...how could they possibly know such a thing ever happened? did they ever break down how they came to this conclusion? most people never question shit tho tell somebody that a scientist said it and they will believe it without seeking an explanation of how they came to their conclusion.

It's the same thing with Dinosaurs...A paleontologist tells you some made up fairy tail bullshit about Dinosaurs existing and people just buy it.

The universe is expanding. We can observe that. Based on the trajectory and speed, we can calculate backwards where everything in the universe would have been millions of years ago. Eventually, these calculations get to a point where everything in the universe is at one point in the center. This is where Einstein's math falls apart. AFAIK, no one can explain what really happens there, but we're slowly building theories about quantum gravity that will reconcile issues in classical mechanics and general relativity
But yet nobody answered this damn question.

It's the carbon sink. All of the carbon contained inside of this plastic waste we create sits in landfills and other areas and ruins the chemical balance of our soil, air, and water.
A hellified bookworm, but never been into science too much unless it's dealing with psychology or some out there shit like quantum physics lol
Oh I did intro to environmental politics, too. Both good courses to have.