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Do You Hate Where You Grew Up At?

I hate where I'm from.

It was all faggots that used to knock me out and sexually assault me.

I castrated 'em, but I don't ever plan on going back.
Wait what??
Wow wow bredren, is this for real?
don't blink


it's real out here
Yall dont want to go down that road.
Blinked and it was over
I don't even feel right laughing at dude about that anymore since he admitted he's mentally ill

Lmaooooooooooooooooooo aaaaahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaa 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 :lol10: :lol10: :lol10: :lol10: :lol10: :lol10: :lol10: :lol10: :lol10: :lol10: :lol10: :lol10:
Actually wasnt a covid thread

Scandalust313, your post is complete nonsense

You say,

1. "our health care system is shitty af"

That's nonsense. I've been in the hospital for two and a half months with Covid. I have medicaid because I'm poor, unemployed and diagnosed as mentally ill. The EMTs rushed me to the hospital and I was taken care of until I was good enough to come home.While I was in the hospital they gave me a bed to sleep in, a TV with remote control and the doctors and nurses took care of me when I could have died. The nurses gave me sponge baths every other day and I got to choose my own meals.

2. "we have whole ass TENT CITIES IN PHUCKING AMERICA because even tho people break their phucking backs working for shit pay, they can't afford to rent or buy a home."

I live in subsidized housing (the projects) and I collect SSI (Supplemental Security Insurance). I get about $800 per month plus food stamps (about $120 per month). One of the stipulations is that if you get caught selling drugs they kick you out and cut you off. There was a guy in my building that sold weed. He got arrested and went to jail for about a year. He got out, came back and went back to selling weed. I haven't seen him around in a few years. My guess is that he got caught again and they kicked him out and he's probably homeless.

When the government is helping you out, people don't like to see you selling drugs on the side and making money under the table. It's a waste of taxpayer money to give somebody a Section 8 apartment, SSI, Medicaid and food stamps that sells drugs and makes money under the table.

Homeless people aren't homeless because they are down on their luck. The government wouldn't let somebody fall through the cracks simply because they're down on their luck. The reason people are homeless is because they were receiving government assistance (Section 8, Medicaid, SSI and Food Stamps) and they got caught commenting a crime (i.e. selling drugs) and got cut off. That's not the government's fault. It's the individual's fault for selling drugs while they were receiving public assistance.