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Do you feel your age?

31 years old ,people say I look like I'm in my mid 20's when I tell them my age or when I buy alcohol they are surprised by my age. Physically I feel around my age.

Now physically recovering time take forever it seems whether bike riding or running on track used to recover pretty easily. My knees are still fresh for the most part never play super strenuous damaging sports like Football ,my little ass wasn't making it to league any way.
Im 32

Feels 42 (new baby on top of already having 2 boys put some years on me in 2 weeks)

Looks 22.

I should shake back in a few though
Got two grandmothers, around the same age. One cant sit still, is involved in alot of volunteer work and church. Smokes weeds, looks and behaves like shes 15 years younger.

The other is mostly struggling with ailments, and seems to have resigned to it being a way of life.

I look at that and see it as, you are as old physically and mentally as you allow yourself to be. I'm 36, I'm not sure physically how its pose to feel, but I know it ain't how I felt in my 20s. I cant do shit I used to do effortlessly in my 20, but i dont drag like 40 and 50 year olds i know.

Mentally ion, know..I'm older thinking than other folks I know in their 30's. Emotionally I feel like I finally made it to my 20s emotionally.


One thing I'm disappointed in is ya dick get sore after a long night of fucking in ur 30s. I was ready rocket in my 20s..that's lame
For anybody talking about their knees are shot...do y’all just mean they get sore or achy every now and then or are you niggaz full blown walkin’ wit’ a limp everywhere?? Just askin’...
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i was wondering the same lol

I didnt play sports so my shit is good.....im not hooping at the rec center but I run/work out with no problems......got one ankle that acts funny if I dont warm up first

my version of washed is just eatin and doin old nigga shit in the house with most of my free time

my body aint raggedy lmao
For anybody talking about their knees are shot...do y’all just mean they get sore or achy every now and then or are you niggaz full blown walkin’ wit’ a limp everywhere?? Just askin’...

Depends on the day. I dunno its from playing ball from so young or because im 6'8 but knees are just trash overall now, just sore af when i wake up.. But when I workout or hoop or something next morning its terrible. Also, when it rains they get worse. I used to think that shit was a myth from old ppl but its real. I see a cloud out and its Bill Russell status

Playing sports all your life is a good way to fuck up your knees.

Working out a lot can damage you knees

Especially when you're young and think you're superman. So when you DO get them lil injuries like sprained knees or whatever, you never take care of them shits like you should. Just just sit out for 2 days and get right back at it like a dumbass.
For anybody talking about their knees are shot...do y’all just mean they get sore or achy every now and then or are you niggaz full blown walkin’ wit’ a limp everywhere?? Just askin’...

Naw, I ain't walking with a limp. But my shit always ache. Everyday. So much so that I don't even notice it anymore. And sometimes them shits hurt extra bad for no reason. And you feel that shit the next day anytime you do maaaaad walking the day before. But this is the worst my knees ever been and I had some other health issues so I'm working my way back.
33 and feeling 43 though I've been told I look 23...

Y’all niggaz betta’ try and spend some of these ABW bucks on some knee-a-octomies or some shit...


I better be able to google y’all young old niggaz and see some tremendous high school sports stats...cuz if y’all can’t walk now and y’all just sat tha bench, gave out water or was tha first nigga clappin’ and dappin’ durin’ a time out...well then

:pathetic: lol
Depends on the day. I dunno its from playing ball from so young or because im 6'8 but knees are just trash overall now, just sore af when i wake up.. But when I workout or hoop or something next morning its terrible. Also, when it rains they get worse. I used to think that shit was a myth from old ppl but its real. I see a cloud out and its Bill Russell status

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49, but I feel like a young bull in his prime.

Aside from the weight gain, I really don't feel any different than I did in my late 20's/early 30's.

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