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Do you believe in

Never experienced that, not personally sure that's even a thing. But I have felt in love very early in courtship. I have said it to a woman within two weeks, cause that was the energy I felt she had also. Albeit, it in actuality was more infatuation than love. I've only actually loved two women I've dated.
That first sight thing feels like bullshit to me but I do believe that people who have just met can find that spark. Especially if the personalities really hit it off
Nope! You feel what you feel when you feel it

But just as quickly as it comes, it can go.

Best to do what you can while in the moment before it passes
nah....you can lust at first sight....and that in itself can make you want to love that person

but no way can you actually love them just by laying eyes on them

I'd be a little cautious if somebody said it short of a few months, and even then we gotta be spending some time

i got married within a year of getting out of a terrible relationship and swearing I didnt want another one.....so, it can happen quick
Love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. Why can't that be experienced at first sight?
i think you can be highly interested with someone and obsessed with getting to know them more at first sight, but not love...
nobody ever saw a woman and said "man I would hold her hair while she pukes"

"ooh I could just lance a boil in her arm pit right now" - Nobdy

you cant know if you'd do that shit when you first see somebody
A lot of people subscribe to the belief that true love is a choice, not a feeling. If you believe this, then why can't someone choose to love another at first sight?
A lot of people subscribe to the belief that true love is a choice, not a feeling. If you believe this, then why can't someone choose to love another at first sight?

i dont agree with it being a choice

I feel like you have the choice as to who you open yourself up to love but thats where the control ends

one sided fatal attraction, happily ever after, murder-suicide, etc....nobody signs up knowing where that shit is going

it can be just as dangerous as it is beautiful

i can feel when I love a person, I know it.....I also know when i dont love a person, and I can "feel" that as well...or lack thereof