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Do The Older Generation Give Up On The Younger Generation Too Easily?


Mr. Brick City
Spinoff of the conversation in the Cookout. Do you think that the older generation has given up of teaching the younger generation when it comes to life and how to be an adult?
If a child see is bullshit from their parents and or older generation. Then that's all they know and they will move just like the ones before them move and that will always be circle of bullshit affecting them/us for generations.

On the flip side, you have the adults who either done the same dumb shit the kids are doing or the adults who grew up in the same neighborhood those same kids are in but never participated in the dumb shit. Both are yrying to reach out to the kids and those adults are either being ignored or just out right being told to shut up by the kids they're trying to help.

So it's a double edge sword of fuckery that got each sides pointing the fingers at each other.

Both sides has to take responsibility for our generation to prosper
A lot of them have, especially if they dont just blindly listen to them. Older generation is supposed to want the younger ones to not go through the abuse they went through, but thats not the really the case now. I mean look at the responses to these kids not wanting to be slaves for these corporations and demanding rights other people get in other countries. Got a lot of older cats legitimately angry these kids wont just keep their heads down and work themselves to near death for nothing.
You have to define being an adult.

The truth is, social progress has stagnated and the wealth has increased but concentrated in the hands of a tiny minority because Boomers and Gen X surrendered to capital.

Basically, Boomers and Generation X have failed and abdicated public responsibility to resist power structures that encroach upon freedoms and rights and take back what was gained in the 60s.

The world is composed of antagonistic forces. Talking about personal responsibility and taking control of your own life, while systems and institutions that govern the world are plotting against you and you do nothing about it isn't being adult.

So now say you 50 years old and you sending your child out here in a world that is where there's an historic fucking wealth gap. The millennials and Zoomers are gonna be poorer than their parents. The first time it has ever happened in history, that a generation will be poorer than the generation that came before it.

Black wealth is held in the Boomer generation, after we all die, Black wealth will be in the negatives.

Boomers and Generation X didn't just give up on young people, they sold them the fuck out.

I was part of the hedonistic and narcissistic cash grab. All through out the 80s and 90s, trying to take whatever I can. We didn't give a fuck about nothing.

How you gonna teach a child, a young person, how to be an adult in a world where they inherit nothing? There's nothing for them to be responsible for.
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I don't know if I'd say people give up on them too fast. I just think a lot of older people don't treat them fairly. Yes, the youth have a lot of problems, but many of those problems were basically put on them by previous generations.
Ill say this. Millennials we have very young kids most likely but we trying to steer them in the right direction but with the internet everybody think they know everything and its annoying because the real world and the internet are not the same.

All I know is that kids that come from stable homes dont be out her wilding like ones that dont have that stable home environment. Thats the real difference
I just turned 49..

I'll say this. When I was younger it was common to work somewhere for 20 years and then retire.

Nowadays, companies come and go. You might get hired fresh out of college to a 80k per year job, but that job is only gonna last 6 months. People's resume's look shorter and shorter nowadays. And the companies that last the longest don't pay much (Walmart, McDonalds, Home Depot).

Everybody wants to start a tech company . A software developer can design an app or software that seems like the next big thing, but it becomes obsolete because technology moves so fast.
I just turned 49..

I'll say this. When I was younger it was common to work somewhere for 20 years and then retire.

Nowadays, companies come and go. You might get hired fresh out of college to a 80k per year job, but that job is only gonna last 6 months. People's resume's look shorter and shorter nowadays. And the companies that last the longest don't pay much (Walmart, McDonalds, Home Depot).

Everybody wants to start a tech company . A software developer can design an app or software that seems like the next big thing, but it becomes obsolete because technology moves so fast.

As a millennial, I feel like older generations are way too intolerant and ignorant any culture that isn't the one they value. Especially the Boomers, these are some angry ass people. The millennial and generation after will be among the greatest. Just by default of having to correct so much of the backwards ideas previously established. I just don't understand how they let America become the world's Walmart to the point where actual Americans can't be too proud without offending another country. Also, why did they let education degrade so much? Its almost as if these people were too busy working that they didn't notice what was happening? I feel bad for all the Black boomers and gen-x that tried to tell their peers what was going on, only to be told they were crazy. Its sad how many people are homeless, how low the minimum wage is, and how high the rent is. I blame you old fucks. You guys fucked us yet keep criticizing our situation as if we have been alive for 40+ years building this shit.
I think it might’ve been a bit easier to get the younger generations attention and have them believe in what the older generation said back in the day.

these days it’s information overload due to the internet and 24 hour news cycle. I’m guessing that a lot of younger people feel they can find the answers to anything on their own or they at least can find others easier that align with what they believe to be true. It’s so much misinformation out here and sadly most people don’t necessarily care about the overall truth. They care about being labeled as correct.

I don’t have any children, but I would imagine that it’s pretty tough to compete with the internet and all the outside stuff that contends for your children’s attention and respect these days.
As an older person, I haven't given up on them...........but I have started to lose patience with some of them.

Mainly because the respect factor isn't there from them the same way we respected the oldheads when we were young.

Now, a lot of times, we didn't wanna hear what they had to say........but we'd listen to them out of respect because, I think deep down, we knew that they were only trying to look out for us.

A lot of the youngins today aren't trying to hear or listen to anything we have to say.

When that's the case, I'm not gonna waste time or energy trying to get through to them.

If they approach me and ask me about something, I'll talk to them and give whatever advice/counsel I can.

But if what I'm telling them isn't sinking in, I'll just tell them to do whatever they think makes the most sense and leave it at that.
As a millennial, I feel like older generations are way too intolerant and ignorant any culture that isn't the one they value. Especially the Boomers, these are some angry ass people. The millennial and generation after will be among the greatest. Just by default of having to correct so much of the backwards ideas previously established. I just don't understand how they let America become the world's Walmart to the point where actual Americans can't be too proud without offending another country. Also, why did they let education degrade so much? Its almost as if these people were too busy working that they didn't notice what was happening? I feel bad for all the Black boomers and gen-x that tried to tell their peers what was going on, only to be told they were crazy. Its sad how many people are homeless, how low the minimum wage is, and how high the rent is. I blame you old fucks. You guys fucked us yet keep criticizing our situation as if we have been alive for 40+ years building this shit.
I think this part is more towards the younger generations. Gen X and Boomers didn't care about offending anyone
I just turned 49..

I'll say this. When I was younger it was common to work somewhere for 20 years and then retire.

Nowadays, companies come and go. You might get hired fresh out of college to a 80k per year job, but that job is only gonna last 6 months. People's resume's look shorter and shorter nowadays. And the companies that last the longest don't pay much (Walmart, McDonalds, Home Depot).

Everybody wants to start a tech company . A software developer can design an app or software that seems like the next big thing, but it becomes obsolete because technology moves so fast.

I see where you going son

You are TRULY ahead of time
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Older generation sold them out due to ignorance, so why should they listen to a silly ignorant ass person. My own peers are some ignorant motherfuckers so why should the younger generation listen to their goofy ass. Too dumb and ignorant to talk to and always have to be right because they didn't die. No that's not how it goes, you can survive to old age and still be a goofy ass fool. Fools do grow old. Lived long enough to see that shit happen and the youth are spotting that shit. You gotta earn your eldership and have to work on always evolving that's the way the world is going. Evolution is the way to go.
Older generation sold them out due to ignorance, so why should they listen to a silly ignorant ass person. My own peers are some ignorant motherfuckers so why should the younger generation listen to their goofy ass. Too dumb and ignorant to talk to and always have to be right because they didn't die. No that's not how it goes, you can survive to old age and still be a goofy ass fool. Fools do grow old. Lived long enough to see that shit happen and the youth are spotting that shit. You gotta earn your eldership and have to work on always evolving that's the way the world is going. Evolution is the way to go.

There is some truth to this.

Problem is, more often than not, too many young people seem to lump all the old people in one category.

And end up treating the ones they should respect the same way they treat the ones that they don't respect.

Once that happens, a lot of us have the mentality of doing the same thing.

Basically saying, "ok, these youngins think they know everything, I'll just keep quiet and let them figure things out for themselves."

One thing I've noticed with this younger generation is an animosity/resentment towards the older generation.

We weren't like that when we were young.

Granted, just like most young people, we thought we knew everything..........but that didn't result in any kind of hatred or disrespect towards our elders.

Either that or I just wasn't paying attention to it.