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Do people realize that social media is as powerful as traditional media?

But isnt that how it always was? How is that social medias fault? People have always conformed to one side or another way before social media. Group think has always existed.

I guess my issue with the premise in this thread is making it seem like people have either changed with social media, these concepts emerged with social media, or a lot of this didnt happen before social media.

The way I see it is people were the same before social media, the only difference is we only saw the stupidity of the people in our littlr community whereas now we see the stupidity of people across the globe.
I agree with u but the way i see it even tho theres always been extremism my opinion is its more prevalent and extreme than ever.

With that said tho i understand these things are all relative. The older generation sees it as a growing issue while its the norm to the younger generation.