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Do people realize that social media is as powerful as traditional media?

Thats why there are troll farms in other countries who spend all day tryn to fan the flames of the culture war.

Russian troll farm started a Texas Lifestyle group and an Islam of Texas group on social media and trolled them into protesting against eachother on same day at same place.

This happens. Its proven.
It's a doubled edged sword... Weighted heavily on bullshit... However there are tons of actual journalist and other folkwhos motivation isn't clicks and followers,

But again people are attracted to the most bullshit bite-sized bits of misinformation or just out and out fuckery.. And it becomes "truth" because everyone else believes it critical thinking is frowned upon...
I dont think people understand its power unless they on the attacking end of it.
I have watched his it changes views and create witchhunts. Turn people into detectives and get people killed on rumors.

It shows that more people are inherently evil than most people think.
Social media is the same as regular society.

Some people care for the world and those around them and use social media to promote all types of conciousness.

Some people care for the truth and use social media to create or spread news.

Some people care about movies and shows and use social media to follow and talk about them.

Some people like me use social media for laughs so we look for ignant shit and big booty bitches.

Its the same people we see on the street that genetate the social media community, so why would I expect my stupid ass friends to promote real shit and be mindful of what they post on social media?
But what are we to do when society seems to be filled with mentally lazy people who arent really keen to critically thinking things through?

But when was this different and what does this have to do with social media?

This is human nature, the majority of people arent meant to be critical thinkers.

I mean were people in general smarter 50 years ago? Or 200 years ago? Or 500 years ago?

Nah the average person at any point in history only thought about what there next meal is and when they were gonna get their next nut.

Shit this might be the thoughtful and educated human society in the history of our species, which is sad as fuck.

In short what Im trying to say is this is what we are and expecting more from an average human being is like telling a lion to stop eating raw meat and cook the deer it caught first.
By traditional media, I mean television, radio, printed media, and movies.

It's odd to see people recklessly using their social channels (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc) without second thought but will call out Fox News for doing the same thing.

Not just yet i think because social media aint regulated we view every other story as trolling or fake
Social media is the same as regular society.

Its the same people we see on the street that genetate the social media community, so why would I expect my stupid ass friends to promote real shit and be mindful of what they post on social media?
The first form of media, or medium of communication, was physical movement and word of mouth.

You really can't do better until you know better. To those who promote so called mindless things, they are posting real shit because it's real to them and they underestimate the severity and power they wield not on on their mobile devices, but their mouths.

There's a saying that death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Not just yet i think because social media aint regulated we view every other story as trolling or fake
Oh it's regulated.

You can't say or post whatever you want. It's really regulated in the same way any other form of media is regulated.

Could you imagine rappers, athletes and actors etc having social media in the old days, we would prolly have a very different perception of alot of them...
That's what annoysj me about people comparing LeBron for example to Jordan. Whenever LeBron posts something people don't like, they say "jOrDaN wOuLd nEvEr" as if they know it for a fact.
But when was this different and what does this have to do with social media?

This is human nature, the majority of people arent meant to be critical thinkers.

I mean were people in general smarter 50 years ago? Or 200 years ago? Or 500 years ago?

Nah the average person at any point in history only thought about what there next meal is and when they were gonna get their next nut.

Shit this might be the thoughtful and educated human society in the history of our species, which is sad as fuck.

In short what Im trying to say is this is what we are and expecting more from an average human being is like telling a lion to stop eating raw meat and cook the deer it caught first.
I think making schools more focused on HOW to think rather than WHAT to think is a good start.
I think making schools more focused on HOW to think rather than WHAT to think is a good start.

I agree. And I think we are making progress as a species, even though its very slow.

I think with time and technological advances our nature changes, really slowly, but it does change.

Hopefully when all jobs are preformed by robots and education isnt treated as learning for the purpose of making money in the future what you said will happen.
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The problem with social media is groupthink. And once u adhere to identifying yourself on a certain side the chances increase that u begin to conform other thoughts/beliefs that farther align u with that group til u start arguing shit u either dont really care about or defend shit u might even doubt yourself.
The problem with social media is groupthink. And once u adhere to identifying yourself on a certain side the chances increase that u begin to conform other thoughts/beliefs that farther align u with that group til u start arguing shit u either dont really care about or defend shit u might even doubt yourself.

But isnt that how it always was? How is that social medias fault? People have always conformed to one side or another way before social media. Group think has always existed.

I guess my issue with the premise in this thread is making it seem like people have either changed with social media, these concepts emerged with social media, or a lot of this didnt happen before social media.

The way I see it is people were the same before social media, the only difference is we only saw the stupidity of the people in our littlr community whereas now we see the stupidity of people across the globe.
I think making schools more focused on HOW to think rather than WHAT to think is a good start.

My elementary teacher taught this to us and earned the highest honor a teacher can receive in the city of Chicago.
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