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Dinner with jayz has been cancelled

This just shows that people think there is some secret to success. Like people are only rich because they have a cheat code.

No, success and wealth comes from years of making good decisions mixed with a lot of luck/blessings along the way. If you read anyone’s success story you see it was really just a series of decisions and chance that came together at the right times and the person capitalized on it.

Other than that the only cheat codes are gambling and inheritances.
This just shows that people think there is some secret to success. Like people are only rich because they have a cheat code.

No, success and wealth comes from years of making good decisions mixed with a lot of luck/blessings along the way. If you read anyone’s success story you see it was really just a series of decisions and chance that came together at the right times and the person capitalized on it.

Other than that the only cheat codes are gambling and inheritances.

@ the bold..
"Did you make better decisions or did you simply have better options"....
Unless Jay is putting me on to some shit that’s gonna make me more money in the long run, I’m taking the money.
Do you have the money to invest in whatever jay is putting you onto?

Thats the missing link here.
I'm mad it took this long.

Imma make this real simple.

If you got a good enough pitch and presentation for pretty much anything... Your goal is to put it in front of as many potential investors as possible.

Soooooooo, dinner with one potential investor?
Or the means to throw a very very nice investors party/ball.

Take the fucking money dumb asses
First of all...Jay is not about to have dinner with some broke random. We know he's always kept his circle tight as hell.

He's notoriously private and also a bit of an asshole, so IF a dinner with a broke random ever happened, he is not gonna be the plug to acquiring significant wealth lol

Unless Jay is picking *your* brain, there will be no brain picking...so there's that

Take the bread and K.I.M.
I remember when this type of scenario was always proposed with Oprah as the subject. Now it's Jay-Z huh? I guess he truly has made it.