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Did You Respect Your Teachers Growing Up?


Black Jew. Baruch Adonai
In Elementary I didn't, but by the time I got into High School I did. When I look back in hindsight, I am thankful for all of my teachers. Teachers are there to steer you in the right direction. Same for your college professors.
The elementary school I went to growing up is rated 1 out of 10, and my high school is rated 2 out of 10.

Meaning almost all my teachers were trash as fuck
I respect most of them more now than I did when I was in school. Teaching isn’t an easy profession and they put up with a lot of crazy shit. So I have much respect for them and anybody having to deal with the masses on a regular basis.

when I was in school it was only a few teachers I respected though. The reason why I respected them is because it was obvious they cared about their students and their well being. Some of those folks didn’t come off that way though.
Yes and no. I just wanted to graduate. Though you can have some seriously bad professors in college that you actually paid for but can't do shit because they're tenured

I had some great professors but I've also had some absolute trash ones. I've even steered clear of some because of reviews from other students
Not sure how common this is but my college (not university) had us students basically assess our teachers on graded scales based on a bunch of different criteria. The second or third year of my program the head of it got demoted. I'm here wondering if our collective opinion of his aptitude was the cause. But I couldn't get a sense of what others thought and wasn't gonna go prodding about it.

But yeah, teachers rank only behind family as ppl I look up to. I've had teachers that I see almost as mother and father figures. That's how much I revere them. My college professors wanted an informal environment and insisted we use their first names to address them but I still always used sir and miss. There's a deep respect there bordering on a sense of honour.
I had maybe 3 or 4 teachers that had my utmost respect, 1 or 2 that I respected to a degree, and the rest were simply morons with a job as far as I was concerned.
Not all of them. The ones that was perceptive enough to see the potential in me and that weren’t thrown off by my shenanigans I had the most respect for. My 5th grade teacher is my favorite of all time and left the biggest impression on me even though I gave her trouble at times she never turned her back on me. I love her and will never forget her. She was fine too and I felt like a playa when she gave me a kiss on the cheek lol