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Did Steve Carell blow it?

Foxcatcher, The Big Short, Vice and Welcome to Marwen are a few.
He was fucking AWESOME in the Big Short. I was super surprised at how much I loved that movie having not known shit about it. Both him and Bale were awesome and hilarious in that without it even being "comedic" roles.

Havent seen Vice yet, but seeing as how its a lot of the same crew as the big short, its on my list of things to check out.
No it's not
Yes it is.

Probably not but I know more people who have discovered the show in the past 2 years then when it was airing. The office Facebook group still going strong as fuck like it came out yesterday.
This is what I mean when I say it's bigger now.

I'm not even the one making that assertion. The actor that played Jim, John Kajewishname, said it's bigger now than it was then.
Dinner for schmucks is my jam that's all I know.

I think it showed his range pretty well as an actor
Steve Carell did the exact opposite of blowing it. Foxcatcher, The Big Short and Vice shows he can do the dramas, and then along with the Despicable Me films which are paying his bills he's shown that he is diverse and isn't just a one note comedic actor.
Crazy Stupid Love is funny for a chick flick. Wifey loves it.

Naw Steve Carrel is decent. Who blew it is Will Farrell. That fucker is just not funny anymore.
Right, Steve is a good actor and I think he can still do comedy. Will Farrell is just God awful now.