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Dictionary.com added new words…Zaddy is one of em.

Funny how words/phrases we have typically always used are only deemed fit for the likes of Urban Dictionary or taught that they're just slang/gramatically incorrect...

But as soon as "they" catch on and decide to use them in their everyday language, now they're acceptable and deemed worthy to be added to a dictionary
Funny how words/phrases we have typically always used are only deemed fit for the likes of Urban Dictionary or taught that they're just slang/gramatically incorrect...

But as soon as "they" catch on and decide to use them in their everyday language, now they're acceptable and deemed worthy to be added to a dictionary
10 yrs from now they gonna add "cap" and "ong"
I seen "oof" used in like cartoons and comics. They are spelling out the sound a certain action makes. Like "bam" or "pop". So oof would be used like if you let out a breath of wind. Like if you got hit in the stomach and your air left you.