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DeRay McKesson airs out Shaun King

I think Deray and the others are mad that they can't get in on the finesse that Talcum X is running..........its only so much money to go around for that type of activism. These cats are looking shaky in the light due to past actions.

That’s the sad part. Like when your good works get your overshadowed by chasing popularity. Now yes this popularity can lead to more money which can go to more causes. But people don’t trust it after a certain level of popularity
I’d rather ride with Shaun King. I’m not a lower-case Black person; so the color of another Black person’s skin doesn’t bother me. I mention skin color because when I read anything from lower- case blacks about him, it’s in regard to his light skin—-which is neither here nor there.

As to Shaun being some sort of thief; this seems to be coming from a very small clique of private individuals, who have yet to be honored for any social activism. Add to this, none of families associated with Shaun in conjunction with his group’s social activism against police brutality—-have led with these claims.

DeRay McKesson has been accused of the same shit he is saying about Shaun. Those still on the ground in Ferguson say, they never heard from DeRay ever again once he made some publicity for himself. All of those people left, but Shaun and his group stayed and helped advocate for Black people across the U.S. Actually meets with them and helps them. He has a great advocacy group. Right now, they are heading the Flip the Senate movement, because we can vote for all the progressives we want, but until we flip the Senate from majorly Republican to Democratic; the same shit they did during Barack’s time to now—under Dump—will continue.