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Breaking News Denver DECRIMINALIZED shrooms!

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I've done shrooms a few times, never really hallucinated tho

the last time me & this chick jus laid on the floor lookin at the ceiling for hrs lol

it was like we're at the beach cuz the ceiling had waves goin back & forth like the ocean

might try em again but no rush
"didn't hallucinate"

"the ceiling was like ocean waves going back and forth"

do you guys know what an hallucination is? doesn't mean you have to see bad things happening. it's something that's happening that's not actually there. sheesh.
I didnt see anything that wasnt there.

I would just see things that are always there just from a different perspective
I laughed a lot on shrooms i'd split a 1/8 , shit had my stomach doin the Human Beat Box tho. Like I didn't have the visuals on shroom like I did wit a gel tab or a square of acid THAT SHIT WAS TRIPPY CUH!
"didn't hallucinate"

"the ceiling was like ocean waves going back and forth"

do you guys know what an hallucination is? doesn't mean you have to see bad things happening. it's something that's happening that's not actually there. sheesh.

Hey, next time @ me... pussy


@Lou Cypher i know u done shrooms. Tell em what it like
Shits awesome. As long as you dont freak out and handle your fucking shit.

Them decriminalizing shrooms is less for recreational purposes and more for therapy. They want to begin microdosing people in therapy to open up the brains neurotransmitters and create new neuro pathways.

I got a bag of shrooms in my drawer I've been procrastinating grinding up and capping cuz I want to try microdosing myself. Heard lots of good things. Just dont got a scale or caps yet.
Thinking about taking a Ayahuasca retreat.

Gotta try something that aint been sent thru a centrifuge.

If you ever go through with this plz let me know how you did it. I want to do one so badly. I've never been that messed up on psychedelics before to where I'm totally out of my mind for over 8 hours but I've read tons and tons of stories from people who did a ayahuasca or ibogaine retreat and all of them said it was completely life changing. Some of them were recovering addicts, others were just people who were depressed and in a rut. All of them said once they started regaining focus they had a completely different outlook and appreciation for life though.
If you ever go through with this plz let me know how you did it. I want to do one so badly. I've never been that messed up on psychedelics before to where I'm totally out of my mind for over 8 hours but I've read tons and tons of stories from people who did a ayahuasca or ibogaine retreat and all of them said it was completely life changing. Some of them were recovering addicts, others were just people who were depressed and in a rut. All of them said once they started regaining focus they had a completely different outlook and appreciation for life though.
Near death experiences will do that.