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He made Bruce seem like a little brat....

I wasnt feeling anything about his performance.

Bale fortunate enough to have the best script, director, and supporting cast of any Batman

But he was the weakest link of every movie.

In all three movies the villains, Alfred, Lucius, and commissioner Gordon were all more interesting than Bruce/

I'd take Val's portayal of Batman over bales every time
Bale was wack as fuck.

Nigga wasnt even a good detective.

Val whole story line about masks and how Bruce Wayne was the real mask was more batman than anything Bale did.

I just felt like he didn't understand the role.

I hated his performance. Bruce always smarter than niggaz..... Bale's Batman was dumb as fuck.
Like rewatch the movies and take a shit every time Bale's Batman has that stupid look on his face cuz he doesn't understand what's going on....

That's like the opposite of what Batman represents
Bale was a horrible batman

Live action Batman's go

Seriously remove kilmer and Clooney from that list. Clooney was a joke and kilmer was stiff. Also the Joel Schumacher films don't count t. Keaton Affleck and bale were great. Keaton was the first and what made these three great was how they separated the Bruce wayne/ batman persona. Bale did a real good job of play g Bruce wayne. He did the whole jetsetting million are playboy buying hotels dating international women etc. He had to throw everyone off so they don't make the Batman connection. I don't get the hate on this site for Affleck as batman. He really brought batman to life. He looks like him more than any actor I've seen suit up and his fight scenes and fighting style matches batman more thananhthi g else I 've seen.afflecks batman is the best thing about the dceu I hate to see him go one last thing bale caught a lot of flack because of his batman voice but what most people don't know is that's not bales voice. That was edited in post production So bale is not at fault.
Like a poster said before this shits a cash grab, your gonna take a shot with your most popular villian versus anybody else, it aint that hard to figure out, why you think darth maul is getting his own movie as opposed to all the siths that would be way better from star wars???

Darth maul is getting a solo flick?!?!?! I haerd kenobi might be getting his own movie also. Darth Vader movie would do numbers.
Kilmer was very good. He played a Bruce Wayne who got so comfortable being Batman he forgets how much he really it Bruce.

He had an enemies who were as much as bruces as they were Batman's.

He had to constantly choose between the two.

He perfectly depicted how much of a jerk bruce is to dick Grayson.

Kilmer's portrayal touched so many components of the struggle between the two that I find it laughable how quick ppl dismiss that movie..

Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones over acted their characters to the point that it was cartoonish.

But Val Kilmer nailed who Batman/Bruce Wayne really is.... Much more than Bale ever did...

Afleck played an older Batman with regrets that I definitely feel fits.... But Val perfectly captures that in his prime Batman that is a thinker above everything else
Bale was bad. He played Batman as spoiled rich kid who was more emotional than calculated.

Val played a Batman who was constantly in a mental struggle with both his identities.

Bale was a very poor batman. The only reason Clooney was worst than Bale was because the rest of the movie sucked ass too.

Clooney could have done a better job than Bale if he had the movie Bale had.

Bale had a perfect storm and almost fucked it up.

If Val had the movies Bale had, he might have been the goat Batman... Cuz he understood the role much more imo
You have Bale’s Bruce fucked up. You’re listing a bunch of actions and characteristics that they made very clear throughout the trilogy that he didn’t want to take part in but was forced to. It was all a part of his facade to keep the public from connecting Bruce Wayne to Batman. When you boil it down there are three Bruce Wayne’s. We have:

1. Batman
2. Public eye Bruce
3. Batcave / Wayne Manor Bruce

Nobody did a better job of connecting the three than Bale.

Fuck Val Kilmer’s portrayal. I think you’re mistaking Bruce Wayne’s brooding persona for Val Kilmer’s stiff and without range or depth acting in that film.

As far as Bale being a more emotional than calculating Batman... that was more a product of the stories Nolan chose to tell than it was a fault of Bale. And such a Batman DOES also exist in the comics.

In the trilogy we first got the birth of Batman.
Then we got a Batman made to question his purpose against his biggest psychological opponent.
Finished with a Batman made to question his ability / mortality against his biggest physical opponent.

Shit the best scene in the entire trilogy was the damn Joker / Batpod chase sequence. Ended with Gordon & Batman getting the drop on Joker. Calculating. Even if Joker’s contingency plan caught them off guard.

He made Bruce seem like a little brat....

I wasnt feeling anything about his performance.

Bale fortunate enough to have the best script, director, and supporting cast of any Batman

But he was the weakest link of every movie.

In all three movies the villains, Alfred, Lucius, and commissioner Gordon were all more interesting than Bruce/

I'd take Val's portayal of Batman over bales every time

Nigga say what?

You know how many times I've said "...oh yeah I forgot Kilmer played Batman" after remembering? His performance was forgettable. He never stood out. Just plain dull.

Clooney and Kilmer by far were the two worse ones.
I watch batman forever when I want a good laughand I watch mainly for jim Carrey. Seriously that movie is a 2 hour dayglo sitcom. Same thing for batman and robin because of ahnold as Mr freeze and all of his ice puns " everybody freeze , everybody chill I hope you took time to winterize hour pipes." Batman even had a bat credit card lol. Also that littlecameo by civics fox really heated things up
Bale was a horrible batman

Live action Batman's go


I'd put Adam West after Keaton but I agree. They way they wrote the part for Bale was pretty terrible. More "world's luckiest detective" than "world's greatest detective". He was way too incompetent for the most part.

That's the most genuinely intense Bat stare from any actor since Keaton. Says so much without saying anything at all.

This shit felt straight out of a comic. Never felt that with Bale & Caine.

I hope the rumor of The Batman being a Godfather Part II style (present day and flashback scenes interconnected) noirish detective story is true and he does come back to play the current version. It'd be a shame to see him go so soon. He has all the potential to go down as the best one yet.
I agree with @King Du... I thought Chris Bale casting as Batman was crap... Like Du said the other characters in the movies were far more interesting than Bale in the trilogy

Maybe it's because he's British? He looked bored and pompous like 'lemme just show up for these blockbusters and GTFOH...'

Affleck surprisingly nailed Bruce Wayne possibly even better than the dark Knight... What's the story about him departing the role?

I also read Scorsese is a producer on this Joker origin joint...
Bale didn't get Batman.

He thought he was a rich kid who had a chip on his shoulderv and wanted to prove himself.

He often has that entitled look to him like he just got showed up every time he was wrong, and I just hated that about him.

The exchanges with Liam Nelson set the stage.
Liam's Ra's Al ghul exposed him as a process purposeless fool.

He never seemed worthy imo. He always seemed lost.

He lacked in each of his showdowns.

Ra's and joker made a fool out of him.

He just got lucky with them both. And the third movie was just retarded

Bruce feels Gotham is his responsibility because of what his parents did.

Bale's pompous performance never made me feel like that.

When Val stood up in the @ 2:42

That's Bruce Wayne. That's Batman. That's how you capture the dynamic

Nolan never did Robin cuz he prolly knew Bale couldn't pull it off.

His Batman was such an entitled idiot, there's no way he could believably manage another personality in the batcave.

I hated every scene with Bale. He was out shined by every villain in every movie without fail.

In forever kilmer's Batman was actually a Batman you understood. The way he shut down nigma as Bruce Wayne in the lab was also classic Batman. Completely shitted on his whole project

When he threw his own riddle at nigma... Classic Batman...

The whole stand off with them both in tuxes....

That's the duality Bale was missing.

Bruce Wayne was always a competent Bruce Wayne. He was very intelligent and good at running Wayne enterprises.

Bale's Bruce Wayne was an idiot. And I never liked it. Rachel didn't even really like him. That was so corny to me. ESPECIALLY in dark Knight.

How he was in love her and wanted to give up the mantrl to be with her.... That whole story line was wack as fuck....

I just hate Bale's face.... He did not convince me at all
Bale didn't get Batman.

He thought he was a rich kid who had a chip on his shoulderv and wanted to prove himself.

He often has that entitled look to him like he just got showed up every time he was wrong, and I just hated that about him.

The exchanges with Liam Nelson set the stage.
Liam's Ra's Al ghul exposed him as a process purposeless fool.

He never seemed worthy imo. He always seemed lost.

He lacked in each of his showdowns.

Ra's and joker made a fool out of him.

He just got lucky with them both. And the third movie was just retarded

Bruce feels Gotham is his responsibility because of what his parents did.

Bale's pompous performance never made me feel like that.

When Val stood up in the @ 2:42

That's Bruce Wayne. That's Batman. That's how you capture the dynamic

Nolan never did Robin cuz he prolly knew Bale couldn't pull it off.

His Batman was such an entitled idiot, there's no way he could believably manage another personality in the batcave.

I hated every scene with Bale. He was out shined by every villain in every movie without fail.

In forever kilmer's Batman was actually a Batman you understood. The way he shut down nigma as Bruce Wayne in the lab was also classic Batman. Completely shitted on his whole project

When he threw his own riddle at nigma... Classic Batman...

The whole stand off with them both in tuxes....

That's the duality Bale was missing.

Bruce Wayne was always a competent Bruce Wayne. He was very intelligent and good at running Wayne enterprises.

Bale's Bruce Wayne was an idiot. And I never liked it. Rachel didn't even really like him. That was so corny to me. ESPECIALLY in dark Knight.

How he was in love her and wanted to give up the mantrl to be with her.... That whole story line was wack as fuck....

I just hate Bale's face.... He did not convince me at all

That clip made me remember how bad Kilmer was as Batman, lol.

Bale's Batman was a warrior, highly skilled and trained in combat. Clever with the use of Fox's equipment. Matter of fact, I don't see how you can say Bale Batman wasn't a detective. He created the program that used the cell phones to find the Joker. He recreated the fingerprint on the bullet at the crime scene. He did a lot of detective shit when you think about it.

Also, Bale captured the burden of being Batman. The danger of it. The sacrifice of it. The contrast of Bruce and Batman.