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HBO DC's Booster Gold (TBA)

FUCK YES at McBride being a writer on booster gold. As big of a fan of his as I am, I didnt think he was a big comicbook guy
Yea, I think this was always intended to be a comedy series. Wonder who they cast for the role of Booster Gold
Born to play the part
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And he wants to play the part so why not?

The cast of American Pie but Stiffler as the main hero

With a little bit of Superbad cast

I’ll watch
I've only seem him in Silicon Valley and Eternals and he doesn't really have the charisma IMO
Check out "the big sick" on Amazon. Was written by him and his wife and he stars In it. Pretty damn good movie. Doesn't do much for his superhero appearances, but might help appreciate him a bit.