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Added to Calendar: 08-01-24

Man the season finale alludes to how Batman's personality over Bruce Wayne is very similar to how Two-Face is over Harvey Dent....

This shit great
This Harley Quinn is dead ass serious while her in her job is more cheerful

Being a lesbian in the 40s? And openly kissing Montoya at a restaurant? Lol
I like how they're using some of the obscure antagonists in Batman's rogue gallery in this first season. Just finished the 8th episode with it ending with the birth of Two-Face
I saw the first two episodes and they were really good. The Penguin as a woman was like AYOOO WTF. With her killing her son was another AYOOOO WTF. Clayface ep 2 has always been a tragic villain. Either he does not have the “look” or can’t act as well

Shit fucked me up as a kid




Just started it. This shit brings me back to my childhood lol. Animation and tone seems so familiar to the OG show. Differences of course, but still nostalgic. Pretty dope.
Damn, they killed off Two-Face but he still had a little bit of good in him so he didn't completely turn villainous. Dope 1st season and we're getting the Joker in Season 2

Hopefully, Prime decides to give us more than 2 seasons
Onomatopoeia had me cracking up doong the whole Adam West sound effects, biff, boom, zip! Then Batman said Pow! I was dying lol