

Get Kevin Hart monkey ass out of here
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Shit clearly a reach....

Trendy hate is trendy....

Niggaz gonna compare this to Black Panther every strep the way..... They already comparing Atlantis to Wakanda in Forbes.

Which is like 3 levels of irony at the least.

Aquaman 25 years older than BP
The fictional Atlantis originated in the fucking B.C's

But yeah let's say Aquaman is stealing ideas...

Kinda how Thanos is based on Darksied and Deadpool is based on Deathstroke...

But yea....DC are the copy cats
I just saw the last trailer with Black Manta in it.

Ionno... I might hafta watch this shit.
367B28AC-E384-4912-8F17-43C00AEB2AC5.gif This butch ass dyke at my job I know she’s gay but I brought up the Aquaman movie and she’s all drooling over dude. I looked at her like
Shits weird though she don’t look feminine at all dresses like a dude. Wears Batman t shirts everyday talks about girls all the time. Shit just came out of left field talking about Jason Mamoa