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Finished it. Yea this was forgettable. Also I saw a review saying all of Millie's characters have been basically the same. Kind of agree with that. She needs to expand
Determined Damsel

PRAISE: This fairytale which turns into a solo survival story for the most part definitely has its moments. The core story about a young woman tricked into a marriage is thrown into a cave with a fire-breathing dragon and must rely solely on her wits and will to survive.
Millie Bobby Brownas Elodie turns in a good performance as it's almost mainly a one woman show.Shohreh Aghdashloo turns in some great voice work as the Dragon. The set design is also impressive as Elodie finds her way around the labyrinth like lair of the dragon . The writer Dan Mazeau and director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo definitely do a good job of putting the audience in Elodies shoes as she tanks in the wonders of the caves and goes on perilous path of survival. The CGI and visuals were impressive for the most part, with some truly standout scenes

PROBLEMS: I wish a few characters had been developed more.Angela Bassett looks very beautiful but she mainly just looks worried and shocked in the scenes she's in. Robin Wright just glares at people who she thinks are beneath her and yells a couple of threats. There are a few hokey by chance moments. There are a few moments I couldn't get on board with and I wondered why they were set up in a certain way. This is one of those movies in which I started to wish certain things would happen to make the story stronger and not mainly one note.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 6½
Lol she fucking sacrificed a horse to get away from the dragon.

I hope Angela Bassett got a decent bag from Netflix for this. Those are my only thoughts on this shit lol
It was just ok. Angella Bassett deserves better.

Why was the dragon rolling with them at the end though? She’s the new Khaleesi? 😂

Only thing you bring a dragon for is to lay waste to all other kingdoms.