Focal Point
Negusa Negast
Lioness mourns the death of her cub
That's some sad shit
Lioness mourns the death of her cub
Yo that's like a smooth uppercut under someone's guard
you know he’s an experienced killer, the way he times the head roll to muzzle the wildebeest is crazily skill full.
Lol a lone wildebeest of that size? There was only ever going to be one outcome. Lion was probably just practicing his tekkers for the bigger kills
you know he’s an experienced killer, the way he times the head roll to muzzle the wildebeest is crazily skill full.
list Them.
I discovered one I’ve never heard of recently : bearcat
I hope they aren’t implying this within the timeframe since corona virus?
If so the bear population has quadrupled in a month?
after reading the article, it seems like the bears are normally out of sight
with the park being so empty due lockdowns, the animals in the park are coming out of hiding, hence “quadrupling” the population
Being eaten alive has to be the worst way to go out
I noticed it’s mainly hyenas who hunt like that since they‘re so much smaller than most of their prey
Well tekashi did just get outNY rats about to run the streets of the USA
Lioness mourns the death of her cub
Wtf is this? Looks way bigger than a flying squirrel