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Customer Service Surveys

Satisfaction Surveys

  • Always

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Never

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters


Site Administrator
Do y'all ever take them from stores, restaurants, in home services, etc?
I take surveys and I rate everybody the highest they can get, no matter the service

started it years ago idk what exactly made me start....but it just feels like a way to put positive vibes out there

if I can help somebody get promoted by pressing 5 right quick, thats dope
Nah, it's a waste of my time. They give me the form I throw it in the nearest trash. If it's over the phone I just hang up
I take surveys and I rate everybody the highest they can get, no matter the service

started it years ago idk what exactly made me start....but it just feels like a way to put positive vibes out there

if I can help somebody get promoted by pressing 5 right quick, thats dope
Why if they doing a less than satisfactory job?
Why if they doing a less than satisfactory job?

cuz they working mane

nobody really wants to take calls, serve plates, give rides, etc and kiss your ass for the fun of it

I have my days when i might not be 100% at my job

im not saying if I get cold food or hair in my shit im filling out a paper survey

but most of the ones on the phone i'll do it (at&t, fedex, comcast, any stores i order from, etc)....no matter if they really helped me or not

again, the motive is kinda selfish....I feel like im cutting slack where people are so into complaining and yelping all the time

and I think it comes back around *shrugs*
Listen man I've worked in customer service.

You argue all day with people and damn near having a mental breakdown because you have to smile while people disrespect the shit outta you for something you have zero control over.

And then they give you that 1 star in the survey. Even if they are mad at the company, YOU are the one recieving the 1 star.

Next minute they call you in a room and fire you . Seen it happen way to many times.

Don't be that guy that helps fire helpless struggling people.
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I do more often than not, i know good ratings can help the csr and most of them i deal with are almost always good so i show them some love, now as far as business, nah unless they done some fuck shit
Nah....I already hate bein’ on tha phone so I’m not hangin’ around another couple/few minutes answerin’ shit...I’m hangin’ up as soon as we done
Listen man I've worked in customer service.

You argue all day with people and damn near having a mental breakdown because you have to smile while people disrespect the shit outta you for something you have zero control over.

And then they give you that 1 star in the survey. Even if they are mad at the company, YOU are the one recieving the 1 star.

Next minute they call you in a room and fire you . Seen it happen way to many times.

Don't be that guy that helps fire helpless struggling people.

co sign

I dont always do the surveys but on calls I make sure I reiterate how well of a job the did and how much they helped me because I know they bosses listening
I take surveys and I rate everybody the highest they can get, no matter the service

started it years ago idk what exactly made me start....but it just feels like a way to put positive vibes out there

if I can help somebody get promoted by pressing 5 right quick, thats dope
I wish I was as good as you about that. My attention span is that of a goldfish these days so if they tell me to call a number ima forget that shit soon as I walk away from you.
Depends the location.

The ones where the cashier circle the number to call on your receipt...I never call.

If I'm checking out at the grocery store, and on the screen they ask how was my shopping experience..."positive"..."negative..."neutral"...I usually choose positive.
Listen man I've worked in customer service.

You argue all day with people and damn near having a mental breakdown because you have to smile while people disrespect the shit outta you for something you have zero control over.

And then they give you that 1 star in the survey. Even if they are mad at the company, YOU are the one recieving the 1 star.

Next minute they call you in a room and fire you . Seen it happen way to many times.

Don't be that guy that helps fire helpless struggling people.

Sounds like BofA back in the day.