Keep scrolling that hashtag for more pics. There's also a trend of Chinese people calling themselves "Chiggas" around Beijing. These are people that have lived in China majority if their lives therefore don't know any black people.
Also Exhibit B. We've all seen these types of videos
Exhibit C
Colorism. We've all heard the stories of certain Asian groups where they will scalp their kids (not literally lol...but disown them) if they marry somebody black. But if they live near an American military base, they will arrange for their daughters to marry a white soldier. Heard this firsthand from my grandpa and uncles cuz they tried to bribe their white homies in Korea lol.
And I'm only speaking of Native Asians who have lived in their own countries most or all of their lives. Like yall dont fuck with us at all (there are exceptions obviously) where you at but love everything we do that's entertaining. The younger ones that grew up here or are Americanized socially are fine.