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'Crosswalk Cathy:' Woman calls the Bureau of Transportation on couple for bad parking job


Unverified Legion of Trill member

“Crosswalk Cathy” called the Portland, Ore., Bureau of Transportation on a couple — for a poor parking job.

This lady called the police on me because she says my car was blocking the crosswalk. Crosswalk Cathy,” Portland resident Mattie Khan wrote on Facebook Monday with a video of the woman.

Rashsaan Muhammad. says the woman in the video to Khan and her friend, Rashsaan Muhammad.

Khan responds, “This is another white person calling the police on a black person because she’s saying we’re illegally parked right now.”

“You are!” the woman responds adding that she’s been observing Khan’s car for 10 minutes.

This lady called the police on me because she says my car was blocking the cross walk.‍♀️ crosswalk Cathy

Posted by Mattie Khan on Monday, October 29, 2018

Muhammad told the Portland Mercury Tuesday that while recently waiting for a takeout order from the restaurant Little Big Burger in Portland, they noticed a woman watching their vehicle.

“She looked odd, but it didn’t alarm us,” Muhammad told the Mercury. When the couple returned with their food, Muhammad says the woman was on the phone describing their car and reading off their license plate number. She looked odd, but it didn’t alarm us,” Muhammad told the Mercury. When the couple returned with their food, Muhammad says the woman was on the phone describing their car and reading off their license plate number.

“I tried to start a conversation, I asked her who she was calling and what was going on,” Muhammad told the publication. “It was clear she was talking to the police I tried to start a conversation, I asked her who she was calling and what was going on,” Muhammad told the publication. “It was clear she was talking to the police.”

“She didn’t try to talk to us. She just called the police. Why would people spend the time just trying to make our lives harder instead of talking it out like neighbors? Muhammed acknowledged his imperfect parking job but tells the website, “She didn’t try to talk to us. She just called the police. Why would people spend the time just trying to make our lives harder instead of talking it out like neighbors?”

Mercury of the phone call, “It’s part of a bigger problem that we as a community need to address. New people come in and change a neighborhood and it causes these kind of stressful situations. We don’t interact with each other they way we used to.
The man told the Mercury of the phone call, “It’s part of a bigger problem that we as a community need to address. New people come in and change a neighborhood and it causes these kind of stressful situations. We don’t interact with each other they way we used to.”