Could you...OR have you dated someone with some sorta disability (mental or physical) or health issue?


Doctorate & Ph.D in Bootyology
Jan 22, 2017
Simple question.

If so...what kinda medical issues did they have...what was your initial reaction when they 1st told you...and how long did things last?

Share your story
Oh then yes. I dated someone clinically depressed. My initial reaction wasn’t nothing because I ain’t care. We talked for years dated for a year and a half. Some days were gloomy but overall the relationship was straight.

Cool guy.
Talked to a chick who went thru a divorce and lost her mom like at the same time. She was legit PTSD fucked up.... Cool people's, but I bumped into her at a horrible time in her life.

Taught me That whole reason, season, lifetime concept.... She said I was in her life for a reason. I helped her get thru some shit... And we should just let it go there....I was good with that cuz she was fucked up and shit was an emotional drain
My ex-fiancee has epilepsy. First time I went through a seizure with her was scary as shit.

My wife has type-1 diabetes. Going through my ex's seizures ended up preparing me to handle my wife's extreme hypoglycemic seizures.

There was also one chick I dated that was largely deaf and one that had a hand that was deformed when she was born.
ex was never diagnosed in my presence but im positve she was bi-polar.....some ptsd in there too

they had her on seroquel and some other shit....admitted her once but they let her go

my wife was on depression/anxiety meds when we got together. I didnt like the idea, expressed that, and eventually convinced her she didnt need that shit. Been fine since.
I wouldn't say we dated, but we were getting to know each other with the prospect of dating and during that time he revealed partial hearing loss that could potentially develop into complete hearing loss. It didn't matter to me.
Dated a chick who dealt with depression. She didn't tell me til later tho. We was on the phone and she just happened to mention it. Damn near hit the Weebay like...


...then I got frustrated wit her. I mainly told her all of our arguments could've been avoided, had I known that beforehand.

All those times she was actin out during her moments, I would've sympathized, and handled things differently. Showed more patience and understanding.
Yeah my she had a couple different mental illnesses. Them shits popped up every single day, in one form or another. You eventually get the hang of recognizing certain triggers and certain moods that made the shit easier to deal with. Wasn't something she had to 'tell' me though. By the time we started dating, we had known each other for like 8 years so I already knew the deal.
Bipolar. Loved her so it didn't matter. Had some tough times but it was all good.

One chick was cool but she went through hell of depression after losing her house. Tried to kick it with her but she needed help.
I probably could but I think dating someone with for example Aspergers would be extremely difficult.
I couldn't deal with nobody with a mental illness.

Health is different depending on what it is.