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Could you do drugs with or in front of your parents?


These scars are the only real proof they could not
So yesterday at a function I noticed a 17 year old vaping then a few mins later his moms was hitting the vape

I was just sitting there thinking ain’t no way

Shit I don’t even drink in front of my parents
Hell nah.

But that’s fairly common today with weed culture. A chick I know came across her son smoking with friends in her home last year. She said that rather than alienate him or yell at him, she sat and smoked with them.

Imagine your fucking mother sitting with a circle of young boys touching the same blunt on her lips

im like
As for me and mine, we gonna not do what everybody else is doing

Parents seem to care more about being liked vs respected
Hell nah. I've drunk in front an with parents though. I think that's just normal shit though. Now I've never actually gotten drunk with parents. Then that would be odd lol
Moms came through a few weeks ago

I had left the cigar out on the balcony she thought it was a blunt and almost set it off on me

You are never too grown for West African Parents I swear lol
Hell no. My dad told me a story about how he was trippin cuz he smoked some weed & didn’t realize it had been laced with angel dust. He hasn’t smoked since & that was like 50 years ago. I can’t picture that man lit & I don’t need to hear him guilt trip me when I am lol.
Didn’t drink in front of my dad but once hit a blunt with him like once a few years ago but never felt comfortable like that in front of my parents. Mom is straight edge.
To answer the question tho, I don't smoke. But at the function the people that do finds a tree and smoke around it. My mom and brother are under there sometimes together in the group.
Called my mom one day when I was stressed out from college and just being a young adult. She told me to go smoke a bone wit my grandma.

My family down south not on that, wouldn’t disrespect them by smoking and I feel odd drinking around them.

My family up north, blaze one up for Jah, Yah, and Yahshuah. I left down south and went up north when I was 14. Shit was wild, we were kids but we didn’t have parents.

I used to get black out drunk on steel reserve, I was 17 and had like 5 to 10 full bottles just sitting in my room. We used to cop for my aunt and roll one up to pick her up from work so we could burn on the way home.

Shits not conducive to a happy life. Shit is not the way children should live.