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COGNIFY: Criminals implanted w memories of their victims?!

You start wondering if humans are just being farmed at this point. We seem more inclined to experiment than directly address an issue.

This reminds me of that dude Yuri or something talking about how humans are "hackable animals".

I gotta look for that quote again. Idk if that was hearsay, but what you just said reminded me of it.
US locks up the most ppl in the world despite crime going down.....like punishing criminals aint the problem that needs fixing here.
If all those memories could be played out for the criminal, can that not be rehab?

Let’s say it’s a serial killer..play out every victims memory for that person. They get off from their point of view, could not the victims movie play out differently?
The technology sounds cool but there too many variables

Can it cause trauma? Can that lead to mental behavioral problems long term for the offender?

For the offenders who don't get the memories implanted forever who's to say it will last?

Then u have the incarceration money machine. They'll either do everything they can to sabotage or implement it in a way that puts even more profit over quality of care/prisons.

Then I can see it used in therapy programs and eventually I envision a world to the effect of the Equilibrium movie lol
this also means they could create false memories in order to frame someone for crimes they never committed. Got a backlog of unsolved crimes? Got a perp that kinda fits the description close enough? Stick false memories in his head and get him to confess to however many crimes you want.

They already implant memories. It's nothing as high tech as this, but studies have shown that the interrogation tactics a lot of cops use are foul enough that they have people confessing to crimes they didn't actually commit.