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Added to Calendar: 07-18-24

The scarier off-putting side of Kreese has always been there, hinted by both the original creators of the Karate Kid movies and the actor combined.

We were just too young to see past the cartoonish, soapy facade of that zealous psychopath who get continually folded by a teenager and a short eldery man. Kreese has ALWAYS meant to be Miyagi's darker antithesis.
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Homestly the show does a great job showcasing that side wit majority of the cast.

Like Sam's nemesis. That hefa terrorizes her...yet she's been struggling to take care of her mama and brother. As well as fending off her creepy pedo landlord.

Hawk is a bully...but when they tease him about his scarred lip...he reverts back to that kid that was picked on.

Those 2 stand out the most imo. So im not surprised about Krease. Vietnam fucc'd him up like a lot other soldiers who fought there.
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Niggas are tripping over Robbie because somehow, you see the undesirable parts of him reflected into each of you the same way that Ellie stated that Daniel and Johnny can't stand each other for the same reasons.

Everyone want to be the Eagle or the biracial kid, but y'all are Robbies.

Nothing negative to say about Cobra Kai

It will go down as top 10 teen drama when it's all said and done