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Cloudy day at hand....Time is finally up!


The Cloudy Day is Near!
God declared it at the beginning...

The prophets relayed His message....

Men of God wrote the prophecy for all to read 1,000's of years ago....

And now the end has come.......


The ancient prophecy of Damascus being destroyed is about to happen, which will in turn lead to the cloudy day judgment at the time of the rapture!

We are at the turning point of human history!
There's no time left!
Everything is about to change!
God is coming on the clouds of heaven to rain down HAIL STONES AND COALS OF FIRE!
Yes, the LORD will also thunder in the heavens and the Most High will utter His voice, HAIL STONES AND COALS OF FIRE!

Anybody left behind and who survives the cloudy day judgment will enter into the worst time in human history, known as the DAY OF THE LORD!!!!!!!!

If you live in America and you are not raptured on the cloudy day you will die and go to hell!
If you live anywhere else on the planet there will be a 1 in 4 chance that you will die and go to hell!

God is coming for judgment! Woe worth the day!

You thought God would remain silent, huh?
You thought God was a fool, Huh?
You thought God was a pushover, Huh?

Now the world will see who was right and who was wrong!

He's coming quickly! What's happening in Syria was the spark.....

And now the fire will start when the button is pushed!

Our only way of escape it accept Jesus Christ as our LORD and Savior! Call out to Him before the war begins! Because when the ALL OUT sneak attack on America comes by the 10 kings it will be too late!

Like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor the attack will come suddenly and by surprise! America won't even know what hit them when it happens because the destruction will come from every side!

The only way out is by Yeshua Ha Mashiach! Cry out to Him today! He will save you!

Lord I tried and I did what you called me to do! Thank you for using me as a watchman on the wall! Amen!
SMH @ anybody who still thinks that life can continue on the path we are on without anything happening involving Nuclear war.

All the tension...
All the trouble....
All the problems.....

It's reaching the climax......

The energy will be released......

And it will be fire......

Just like God said......

Time is up!

How deceived people are to believe that life is just going to continue as it is today for the next 5 years......How deceived people are! How utterly deceived people are!

The great destruction is coming!

How can anybody with a brain not see it unfolding right before our eyes?

Then you take the Bible and match it with what's going on today and it's a total head explosion of truth.....


Open the Bible and read it for yourself!!!!!!!

Everything that God spoke about 1,000's of years ago is happening right now!!!!!!!!!

And we are just at the beginning of the fulfillment!!!!!!!!!!!!


Even so, COME. Lord Jesus! Amen.
There's invent happening that your prophecy is really missing and it's not going to be missle strike. This is fact also not some goofball pretending to know what God is thinking..........

The planet is fighting back at the humanity. Walk outside and look up and then look dowd. The sky is changing colors and causing weather to act way out of normalcy. Look down, the Atlantic ocean is receding and leaving the coast. The Pacific ocean is rising and all because of the humans taking sea sand to make concrete at alarming rate. That sand keeps the ocean literally at Bay.

Then there's HAARP (looklot up)changing atmosphere weather causing all types of havoc accros the world. Right now in the south it feels like it's still winter. Normally it would be in the 70's and 80's here but it's being snowing here.

Also Africa is splitting into two. Just recently a 4mi long 300ft deep crack has happened. The crack is getting longer and the same thing is happening in Peru, Oregon and other countries.

Also the animal's are letting us know that shit is getting real

All this is facts not maybe's or if's.