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Chrome 23 đź‘‘đź‘‘đź‘‘

First thing first is get actual battle rap camera crew like avocado. That would drastically change the feel of the event. Way too many terrible camera angles and quality. It being a livestream excuse is just that..excuses. Every other leagues camera work is A1 for live events.

change out the clueless host. Calling known battlers “whats her name”over and over is crazy disrespectful.

im not too critical of the crowd cuz i know it wasnt really a battle rap crowd but they def chose who and who not to root for all event and it made the rappers frustrated.
Obviously things like event time and flow of battles will improve. As of right now tho im not sure if i see this being a league that throws many events throughout the years tho.
Lemme get this off first

Females have a place in battle rap. I want to see more female events. Females have also gotten the short end of the stick and this event was no exception.

I think in them trying to create something different, they tried to recreate a wheel that didn't have to be created.

Stick eth the tried and true shit for camera/audio work. Once you get a few events under your belt, then you can start experimenting with newer shit.

People wanna see and hear the battlers first and foremost. Too many issues didn't allow people to focus on that
Remy said she been speaking to Smack, Beasley, Babs. They couldn't recommend her JB to do the production? Did she at least ask if they had someone in mind to do the production for her? Could've been way better, imo
They not gonna recommend Avocado cause of the shit that came out on him last year.. I believe only The Riot & RBE employ him to do the production for their events
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