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Chinese woman who found her video on Pornhub creates app to help other victims

of course to be 100% safe from it would be to not record a video or take those kind of pics but this ain’t that type of time.

Maybe I have been displaced in time, but I don't use a cellphone or camera during sex. I'm not condoning revenge porn, but...if a person actively participates in the recording of their self during sex, I can't express too much sympathy if it ends up online. Either people are too naive about the level of trust in their relationship or too ignorant about how easily cloud/cell data can be compromised.

Notice how so many celebrity sex tapes stopped appearing online? After Kim K. and Paris, if you are still recording your private affairs for later viewing, you are risking it also being shared with the world, and I would assume that is what that person wanted all along.
First of all, I am only hearing one side. She may be having 'buyer's remorse'. Happens all the time. Second of all, there is NO software they can currently make that can track down various pr0n that someone can use to help someone identify themselves by facial recognition from a video. The thought itself is just silly. Anyone trying to co-sign this nonsense is lost.
That's real sucker behavior. I hate niggas who do shit like that and fuck that game up for the rest of us.
This a something we need to talk about.

niggas who don’t respect the game. Fucking it up just because they can.

like.....a dude once got nudes, cool. He might show his closest friend....still maybe cool.
But niggas be going on blackmail missions and just want to embarrass chicks. That’s corny af.
Then the next man won’t get nudes because of some idiot before him.

shit is wack.
I cut niggas off for shit like this.
Her situation is fucked up. Filming someone during sex without their permission should be a crime and have a pretty stiff penalty, especially if people are throwing those videos on the net.

The question is whether or not it should be a crime if someone willingly and knowingly makes a video. If you choose to have sex on cam and essentially give ownership of the video to the other person, do you have an expectation of privacy at that point?

I'm curious what people think about that.

Come on bro you can't be serious
Come on bro you can't be serious

I can't be serious about what. I didn't make a claim. I asked a question. Some people answered already and said they believe it's off limits. There are others that believe once you put something out there, you don't really have an expectation of privacy.

I personally don't have string feelings one way or the other. I would err on the side of prohibiting such things, but we live in a world where people are reckless with their actions. You don't always get to walk away from the consequences of those actions.
I can't be serious about what. I didn't make a claim. I asked a question. Some people answered already and said they believe it's off limits. There are others that believe once you put something out there, you don't really have an expectation of privacy.

I personally don't have string feelings one way or the other. I would err on the side of prohibiting such things, but we live in a world where people are reckless with their actions. You don't always get to walk away from the consequences of those actions.

Who thinks that? What are the arguments in favour of allowin' one party to expose another's body when they other party clearly had no intention of that happenin'?
Who thinks that? What are the arguments in favour of allowin' one party to expose another's body when they other party clearly had no intention of that happenin'?

I've seen in the defenses for people being brought up on revenge porn charges and also from people justifying what they do. I'm just pointing out that some people believe that once you put something out there you don't really have an expectation to privacy. I've even heard some people say that if they have a pic or video, it should be considered their property and they should have the right to do with it what they want.

I'm not saying I agree, but I do wonder where the line is. It's one thing if you send a pic to a person you trust with the understanding that it's just for them, but what about people who send them shits out like candy with no stated conditions for their use? At some point, I do believe it is on people to exercise good judgement in the decisions they make.
I've seen in the defenses for people being brought up on revenge porn charges and also from people justifying what they do. I'm just pointing out that some people believe that once you put something out there you don't really have an expectation to privacy. I've even heard some people say that if they have a pic or video, it should be considered their property and they should have the right to do with it what they want.

I'm not saying I agree, but I do wonder where the line is. It's one thing if you send a pic to a person you trust with the understanding that it's just for them, but what about people who send them shits out like candy with no stated conditions for their use? At some point, I do believe it is on people to exercise good judgement in the decisions they make.
While fully agree with your point.

It's the doing it to hurt people part I don't like. Certain people go crazy when they feel they have a bit of power.