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Chicity's Top Ten Moments of 2023


We Don't Won't No Damn Giddy!
Site Administrator
As we wait to see whether the ABW Awards roll around this year, I wanna take some time out of ya day to look back on the best/memorable moments of 2023, according to me. Now I'm sure that there was some moments I missed throughout the site but them dont count because I wasn't involved.

Now on to the best of the best

10. PlainChips Invades The Site
9. Gender Wars
8. ABW Hygiene
7. Return Of AP, Kandy, & Goldie
6. Alabama Brawl
5. Mod Commision 2.0 and Mod Reviews
4. Top 20 ABW Members
3. Royal Shows She Don't Just Talk To Inform, She Holding Too!
2. ABW Meet Ups Vol 15- Elzo shoots and bricks, she met who?!?, trip down memory lane
1. Beta and CTB being made mods. Let the chaos begin!
#10 PlainChips Invasion.

To this day I have no idea who @PlantainChips is but boy was she hilarious and annoying. One day she showed up making mad threads and for whatever reason niggas couldn't accept it. No verification, no motion was the mantra with her. She was the 2023 @Love if Love had decided to say fuck yall and mega dropped random content. At one point she was accused of being a Kandy alias because of the amount of threads she was making. Her presence was heavy. She could have been easily in the top 5 had bigotry and hate not forced her to run off from the site. To her and/or her main account....you made 2023 memorable
#10 PlainChips Invasion.

To this day I have no idea who @PlantainChips is but boy was she hilarious and annoying. One day she showed up making mad threads and for whatever reason niggas couldn't accept it. No verification, no motion was the mantra with her. She was the 2023 @Love if Love had decided to say fuck yall and mega dropped random content. At one point she was accused of being a Kandy alias because of the amount of threads she was making. Her presence was heavy This could have been easily in the top 5 had bigotry and hate not forced her to run off from the site. To her and/or her main account....you made 2023 memorable
You're saying her IP didn't match to any other account? That's a surprise. I wasn't sure if it was Kandy but I figured it was someone with too much time on their hands
9) Gender Wars.

From the Meg and Tory verdict to Woman get hits with a brick (allegedly) to Keke baby daddy being a bum, it seemed like a least once a week there was a gender war being waged on the site. @Royal and the passport bros kicked things off technically in 2022 (Dec 31st) but we gonna claim it in 2023

At the forefront of the No Ma'am Club was @DOS_patos, laying a cape around every man with a court date and an IG live. Didnt matter the evidence, men were innocent in his eyes or at the very least, overly stressed and victimized.

For the I Am Woman, I Am Ratchet advocate group was @HellCzar, comforting and consoling everyone with a B cup bra and a sob story. Ask him to hold women accountable and he's likely to tell you to hold a dick and swallow slow.

Didn't really matter who or what the subject was either; once gender or genitalia was introduced the call of arms was sounded and each team lined the thread ready to hurl insults and obscenities at their foe. Sometimes gender had nothing to do with the topic at hand but that didn't stop us did it? No, we fought regardless.
Why? Because everything can be reduced to black men vs black women if the goal is moved far enough. And so, to every gender warrior that came out and swung an opinion and for every comment that was made I thank you; you made 2023 memorable
9) Gender Wars.

From the Meg and Tory verdict to Woman get hits with a brick (allegedly) to Keke baby daddy being a bum, it seemed like a least once a week there was a gender war being waged on the site. At the forefront of the No Ma'am Club was @DOS_patos, laying a cape around every man with a court date and an IG live. Didnt matter the evidence, men were innocent in his eyes or at the very least, overly stressed and victimized. For the I Am Woman, I Am Ratchet advocate group was @HellCzar, comforting and consoling everyone with a B cup bra and a sob story. Ask him to hold women accountable and he's likely to tell you to hold a dick and swallow slow. Didn't really matter who or what the subject was either; once gender or genitalia was introduced the call of arms was sounded and each team lined the thread ready to hurl insults and obscenities at their foe. Sometimes gender had nothing to do with the topic at hand but that didn't stop us did it? No, we fought regardless.
Why? Because everything can be reduced to black men vs black women if the goal is moved far enough. And so, to every gender warrior that came out and swung an opinion and for every comment that was made I thank you; you made 2023 memorable
8) ABW Hygiene (This Was Wild Considering 95% of the active site over 35)

For some strange reason we went on a hygiene kick in 2022 and it rolled into 2023. Guess there wasn't many women around and niggas thought they could be disgusting and let they nuts hang in peace. NOPE
Few random topics that came across; do you take care of ya teeth? What's the optimal number of showers in a day? How often do you wash your tub/shower? I think the culmination was asking when a person uses deodorant. It started out as a simple enough question, b4 bed or when you wake up in the AM? The responses were not so simple. There we found some folks love to shower 3+ times. Some ppl sweat profusely in they sleep. Some folks don't use deodorant at all. Biggest takeaway....site so old personal hygiene topic made the top ten list. To the clean and unclean. The meticulous and the slovenly. You made 2023 memorable tho I hope as adults we never have to spend a vast amount of time on how to properly wash our asses again
7) Return Of The Gawds: AP, Goldie, and Kandy

The month was January. I had created what could only be best described as constructive chaos (more on this later) and ABW was looking bountiful again. I assumed my team was impressed by work bc suddenly they all appeared within a week of each other to contribute once more.

@AP2.5, having fulfilled the terms of his self imposed exile, returned to cheers and fanfare. Gone was the passiveness he had in 2022 *allegedly* as he had finally taken my advice to tell niggas to stfu and stand on business. Now he stands tall and confident on the mountain top.....and no one says a peep. A 🐐

@Goldie, returning from paternity leave or some shit, meanwhile snuck in the backdoor and just started casually posting like it was 2021 again. Cool as 3k on a flute, nigga managed to go #1 in a week. NGL tho, it was a lot of dickeating that first 48hrs but I ain't say nothing cause my nigga deserved the flowers or whatever. First thing he did was bring order back to the Record Store. It's good seeing the OG back. A🐐

I guess Kandy seen Goldie was back on the block and came back outside. With an open calendar she's a beast. Daily reminding niggas why she been that one From the tournaments to general banter her return was adored by all except her haters. They know who they are, I think one even threatened to quit. Having returned for the 5th time and for less than a few days a month, she still managed to be the #1 member on the site. A 🐐

To the ones I consider on the top of my ABW Mt Rushmore, thank you for making 2023 memorable
#10 PlainChips Invasion.

To this day I have no idea who @PlantainChips is but boy was she hilarious and annoying. One day she showed up making mad threads and for whatever reason niggas couldn't accept it. No verification, no motion was the mantra with her. She was the 2023 @Love if Love had decided to say fuck yall and mega dropped random content. At one point she was accused of being a Kandy alias because of the amount of threads she was making. Her presence was heavy This could have been easily in the top 5 had bigotry and hate not forced her to run off from the site. To her and/or her main account....you made 2023 memorable
She was a another tether troll. Everything with her was a joke and most of her views had a hint of anti Blackness but when it was time to cape for the trannies she turns completely serious and abandons ship. Good riddens
6) Alabama brawl

It's not really an ABW only thing but it brought out some great jokes from yall and one of the few times where the thread was on topic from the first page to the last. No side beefs, no what about isms, no contrarians. Just unity in the face of them white folks getting whooped on multiple pier fronts. From the hat toss one could have guess it was gonna be some good cinema but by the third camera change and the mighty Chair of Ra being introduced to white ppls soul I think we were all on our feet cheering and clapping. *Chair shot to the lady that was already tko'd was a bit much but that's just me.* I mean swimming across the narrow sea to body a nigga. Catching them leaping outta the boat to they asses. Knocking them off the pier so bad bust they crocs.....it rivaled any scene from The Raid.

The jokes and meme were mostly on point until the end. I believe the cost of folding chairs and gas station fitted hats saw a surge of 400% or some thing like that. Justice was served for the most part and now riverboat piers across the south are becoming recruiting grounds for the next Blank Panther flick. Alabama Brawlers and you many many commentators, thanks for making 2023 memorable
6) Alabama brawl

It's not really an ABW only thing but it brought out some great jokes from yall and one of the few times where the thread was on topic from the first page to the last. No side beefs, no what about isms, no contrarians. Just unity in the face of them white folks getting whooped on multiple pier fronts. From the hat toss one could have guess it was gonna be some good cinema but by the third camera change and the mighty Chair of Ra being introduced to white ppls soul I think we were all on our feet cheering and clapping. *Chair shot to the lady that was already tko'd was a bit much but that's just me. I mean swimming across the narrow sea to body a nigga. Catching them leaping outta the boat to they asses. Knocking them off the pier so bad bust they crocs.....it rivaled any scene from The Raid.

The jokes and meme were mostly on point until the end. I believe the cost of folding chairs and gas station fitted hats saw a surge of 400% or some thing like that. Justice was served for the most part and now riverboat piers across the south are becoming recruiting grounds for the next Blank Panther flick. Alabama Brawlers and you many many commentators, thanks for making 2023 memorable
And then your coon ass wanted jail time to the chair man
6) Alabama brawl

one of the few times where the thread was on topic from the first page to the last. No side beefs, no what about isms, no contrarians. Just unity in the face of them white folks getting whooped on multiple pier fronts.
Cap. Some of yall mods wanted that thread shut down prematurely because the idea of black people beating up crackers makes yall uncomfortable subconsciously. I had to protest to get that thread to stay open. Y'all wanted it out of sight, out of mind
Cap. Some of yall mods wanted that thread shut down prematurely because the idea of black people beating up crackers makes yall uncomfortable subconsciously. I had to protest to get that thread to stay open. Y'all wanted it out of sight, out of mind
You right, you was in there crying about something or another. But hey, you remember it also

Top 10
You right, you was in there crying about something or another. But hey, you remember it also

Top 10
"Reopen the thread you cowardly plantation crash dummies" = crying

9) Gender Wars.

From the Meg and Tory verdict to Woman get hits with a brick (allegedly) to Keke baby daddy being a bum, it seemed like a least once a week there was a gender war being waged on the site. At the forefront of the No Ma'am Club was @DOS_patos, laying a cape around every man with a court date and an IG live. Didnt matter the evidence, men were innocent in his eyes or at the very least, overly stressed and victimized. For the I Am Woman, I Am Ratchet advocate group was @HellCzar, comforting and consoling everyone with a B cup bra and a sob story. Ask him to hold women accountable and he's likely to tell you to hold a dick and swallow slow. Didn't really matter who or what the subject was either; once gender or genitalia was introduced the call of arms was sounded and each team lined the thread ready to hurl insults and obscenities at their foe. Sometimes gender had nothing to do with the topic at hand but that didn't stop us did it? No, we fought regardless.
Why? Because everything can be reduced to black men vs black women if the goal is moved far enough. And so, to every gender warrior that came out and swung an opinion and for every comment that was made I thank you; you made 2023 memorable
Tory innocent, majors is innocent, keke baby daddy innicent and that lady wasn’t hit with a brick .

5) Mod Commision 2.0 and Mod Reviews

It was almost one year to the day when I *insert this joke at a later date*. At his behest of course, we cool now. Anyway, I had already set in motion a plan in 2022 to shake up the Mod Pantheon. With the return of the old gods I knew I had to change my plans a little bit and with *him* on my mind, pause, I remembered his Mod Commision thread. Good members make threads, legendary ones steal them the wise ones say. And what better way to show everyone how we handled 2022 as a squad then individual reviews. So from this thought sparked phase one, a Mod Commision nomination thread that became a free for all that saw friend turn against friend and Mod turn against Mod. So many haymakers and head kicks at one point we had to start background checks. Lotta great arguments were being made (@Inori), lotta bribing (@Chi-Town B). Few niggas got jerked outta a spot @God_Body, @Dwayne, @WilberDMillz come to mind. Niggas voted @Ironman on the committee and that nigga only post when he gets an notification email. Shit was wild but in the end after multiple rounds, 5 or 6 ppl were chosen and phase 2 was finally able to give birth to the fuckery that was the Mod Reviews

MOD Review
What a crock of shit this was. Seriously...holy fucking hell. I couldn't corrupt these ppl. Couldn't turn em. Couldn't reason with them. That was behind the scene of course. In the threads, they was frying niggas. MVP goes to @Tayboo who ate niggas for lunch, loose wig and all. I think Beta got served the most followed by CTB and AP. @Infamous had to defend him from the smut brigade also I remember. The rest of them niggas on the MOC wanted to play nice and issue citations and shit. Not her. Not Tay. She wanted blood. She wanted accountability. She wanted vengeance. We all ate good because of her kills. Beta became stronger after this review. Ap became more active again (his stance was right, he had missed 2022). I think I should have got banned after my review but they didn't want no smoke. Thank you MOC and your contributions to keeping the mods in check, you made 2023 memorable
5) Mod Commision 2.0 and Mod Reviews

It was almost one year to the day when I *insert this joke at a later date*. At his behest of course, we cool now. Anyway, I had already set in motion a plan in 2022 to shake up the Mod Pantheon. With the return of the old gods I knew I had to change my plans a little bit and with *him* on my mind, pause, I remembered his Mod Commision thread. Good members make threads, legendary ones steal them the wise ones say. And what better way to show everyone how we handled 2022 as a squad then individual reviews. So from this thought sparked phase one, a Mod Commision nomination thread that became a free for all that saw friend turn against friend and Mod turn against Mod. So many haymakers and head kicks at one point we had to start background checks. Lotta great arguments were being made (@Inori), lotta bribing (@Chi-Town B). Few niggas got jerked outta a spot @God_Body, @Dwayne, @WilberDMillz come to mind. Niggas voted @Ironman on the committee and that nigga only post when he gets an notification email. Shit was wild but in the end after multiple rounds, 5 or 6 ppl were chosen and phase 2 was finally able to give birth to the fuckery that was the Mod Reviews

MOD Review
What a crock of shit this was. Seriously...holy fucking hell. I couldn't corrupt these ppl. Couldn't turn em. Couldn't reason with them. That was behind the scene of course. In the threads, they was frying niggas. MVP goes to @Tayboo who ate niggas for lunch, loose wig and all. I think Beta got served the most followed by CTB and AP. @Infamous had to defend him from the smut brigade also I remember. The rest of them niggas on the MOC wanted to play nice and issue citations and shit. Not her. Not Tay. She wanted blood. She wanted accountability. She wanted vengeance. We all ate good because of her kills. Beta became stronger after this review. Ap became more active again (his stance was right, he had missed 2022). I think I should have got banned after my review but they didn't want no smoke. Thank you MOC and your contributions to keepingthe mods in check, you made 2023 memorable

4) Abw Top 20 Members

OF ALL TIME!!! I know, I know lotta ppl dgaf buuutttt I do and it's my top 10 so here we go. Kandy, as she usually do, set up a great tournament to rank the top 32 I believe, members who ever graced the site. A lot of names where thrown around but in the end the top 4 etched they name in history. Now before I shout them out can I mention the upsets??

Beta lost to Gabi. Like double digits yo 😬😬. He became a mod...his enemies showed him the fally of that promotion

Scandy beats Germs. And the fact that he hates she so insightful and ran her off is even more hilarous. I don't know why her positivity rubs him wrong but it does

SportsRo beats AP by a single vote. In the first round 😂😂😂. Ap should have put on the beats but.....🤷🏿‍♂️

@Chi-Town B fell to @Dwayne. That was right tho

Shoutout 3 and 4, Gabi and Goldie. Goldie and Gabi. They tried and all that jazz. Goldie fell to Kandy in a rematch of a rematch. I beat Gabi but I took no pleasure in that W. Now beating the other 3.....chef kiss.

Kandy won top spot even tho I think the count is still going on. I hope. As it tallies, I wanna say to everyone who nominated someone or voted on someone or even just participated and appreciated the effort Kandy put into making the tournament, thank you. You made 2023 memorable