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Chicago ain't even on the list. Do you live in dangerous or safe city?

WTF goin' on in LA that three cities there made the list?

I'm kinda surprised Los Angeles, Chicago, and NYC ain't on the dangerous list.
Because per Capita the crime doesn't effect a lot of the residence.

Those cities like LA and NYC have crime isolated to certain areas usually in most cases where poor people live.

So if you live in a city like Mobile where the majority live under the poverty level bc most the jobs people relied on moved to a different country. A lot of those people couldn't afford to move away.

It's what makes the rust belt like Ohio and WV hot beds for crime and drug use.
Not for nothing, this is propaganda…on the left is the most dangerous cities and on the right it says the most safe “large” cities. You can’t really compare them because the story doesn’t even compare them.
Who exactly are you talking about

Lol you. According to the news and white folks
I hear folks out there that work the Smithfield farms perpetually smell like pig shit.

Man that’s the job you take when you just gotta out of jail or going through some shit. They say it smell like hogs. And they hogs are from cloned sperm. Didn’t even know you could clone sperm.

But they allegedly got a fire ass breakfast and lunch
Lol you. According to the news and white folks

Man that’s the job you take when you just gotta out of jail or going through some shit. They say it smell like hogs. And they hogs are from cloned sperm. Didn’t even know you could clone sperm.

But they allegedly got a fire ass breakfast and lunch

I think it was Rolling Stone that had an article on it. They have pig shit lagoons, and pig shit turns bright pink in those lagoons and the smell is so tough that aircraft flying overhead can smell it.
Lol you. According to the news and white folks

Man that’s the job you take when you just gotta out of jail or going through some shit. They say it smell like hogs. And they hogs are from cloned sperm. Didn’t even know you could clone sperm.

But they allegedly got a fire ass breakfast and lunch