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cher gets dragged for “white savior complex” tweets

Anti black Susan had to let it be known for the record then play dumb once called out on her racism. Oldest trick in the book black Americans gotta stop playing dumb with them.
I just couldn't imagine being someone who reads that tweet and thinks... "Oh hell no! Something needs to be done about this!!! Cher must be stopped!"

Like... take a break from being pissed off at literally everything, folks.
She was only cher-ing her feelings on the topic.

I ain’t mad at Cher in the least bit, but if this white man walks she gon need to be there and use her powers because shit finna burn...
This thread shall be renamed "60-something years old Boomer's hippie performative militantism and ambiguously white guilt complex, makes her simply too old for Twitter Culture" .