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cher gets dragged for “white savior complex” tweets

Funny thing
Maybe she actually could've did something.
Her whiteness along with being a celeb..who knows or maybe not but I understand the sentiment.

My homeboy got into a brawl in the skreets in jersey, cops were called and them pigs were looking to take everyone. His white girlfriend was with him, cops weren't tryna hear shit from nobody but they listened to her(I wonder why) shit got descalated with the quickness.

The outrage anonymous incorporated are just bored
Lol yea ppl move different when celebs around for some reason, for all we know the cop could be a closeted Cher fanatic
not yall still believing and championing white sympathy/empathy and willingness to help at the final hour.
  • Coon
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It's not even about Cher or being a celebrity.. I think anybody with a shred of empathy would hope that if, god forbid something like that was happening in front of us that we would want to try to stop it somehow
Don’t know about y’all but nowadays I see the cops pull over some young brothers I’m observing
comment? someone with a platform as big as cher’s can do way more than comment.

how long have we been abused, assaulted and killed in mass media by police?

...has she spoken or taken previous action?

If not then this is a great opportunity to challenge her to donate to the cause of your choice
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