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FEATURED Chappelle's Speaking On Jews In Latest Stand Up?

Israel has to stop. They way the treat them people is not cool. They control damn near every aspect of their lives and do shut cuz they can and has the backing of multiple major world powers.

Again people who just want to be left alone.

Like israel straight up got children and kids in prison. Prison.
They stay rape shit.
They stay on killing innocents.
They stay taking land and breaking treaties or talks.

Israel has the armed forces against people with rocks.

What are the palestinas supposed to do?

Even while fleeing they are getting binned. Thank God I have never had to live like that but I can see how this can cause people to want blood by any means.

So I would love for the senseless killings ti stop, but the more powerful bully has to acknowledge they are the reason for their own problems.

But you right, shit needs to stop.
Hamas =/= Palestinians

No elections since 2006, the majority of Palestinians alive in Gaza today aren't old enough to have voted for Hamas.

Hamas doesn't care about Palestinians.
I'm not defending anything Israel is doing/has done but I think things will make a bit more sense when u realize Hamas doesn't gaf what happens to those ppl.
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Hamas =/= Palestinians

No elections since 2006, the majority of Palestinians alive in Gaza today aren't old enough to have voted for Hamas.

Hamas doesn't care about Palestinians.
I'm not defending anything Israel is doing/has done but I think things will make a bit more sense when u realize Hamas doesn't gaf what happens to those ppl.
Hamas was founded in 1987 after 4 Palestinians were killed by an Israelie.
It was strange to me that people were more in a uproar about his trans jokes than the space jews jokes. I guess his shots at Israel went over their heads back then.

People simp so hard for Israel it's embarrassing
He might need to sprinkle some more tranny jokes in there if he's going at the Jews.
He doesn't want their full concentration when it comes to cancel culture
Hamas =/= Palestinians

No elections since 2006, the majority of Palestinians alive in Gaza today aren't old enough to have voted for Hamas.

Hamas doesn't care about Palestinians.
I'm not defending anything Israel is doing/has done but I think things will make a bit more sense when u realize Hamas doesn't gaf what happens to those ppl.
But when I said it in the other thread lol
there's something happening and has been happening with that community having the.....not sure what word i'm looking for.....the increasing centrifugal appetite for dominance. the most notorious example we have of an attempt to thwart or stave off this appetite was inside of WWII. we now know that wars were always fabricated in pursuits to wealth, coerced, coaxed and neatly wrapped for media to package and incite target populations into induced nonsensical hatreds for one another. not for substance, but killing for colors (flags and blinded loyalties). it burns me up when people say "my country". the people involved in wealth pursuits pawn the lives of the populace and they send the "new naive greenhorn to ride his bike to do the "drive-by", unwittingly believing he's impressing the upper echelon wealth empire he'll never be privy to. they may even buy that boys mother a house to further affix his mind to their death doctrine.
Rogan and Cooper, these are the white guys presenting so we also have to bring in what Malcolm and his ex-crew and the Black Panthers were speaking on. I can only imagine what Garvey went through. racism but then the disingenuous camaraderie of jewish and black collaboration. it really comes down to what "makes a jew"? when there are deliberate fences placed to not include black people, although they can be born and raised, from having the tag "jewish". i guess you can be born there,....but are all israelites jewish? or does an ounce of blood gives a distinction. blood is biological so are we talking about dirt or a madman ideology that not only wants to rule but desires to dominate.

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!" - Mayer Amschel Rothschild : A German-Jewish banker and the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

they take the shit to heart and go overboard. they don't collaborate, they dominate. seems on purpose why it's never really discussed why adolph went ballistic. something is in there we ain't seeing or it's hides in plain sight.

there's no oversight for dominance attempts, or is there? C.R.E.A.M.
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It's weird how people are in this thread talking like Chappelle didn't already spend the first 7 and a half minutes and the closing statements of his opening monolougue on SNL skewering the Jewish community. And this was less than a year ago.

He already did it in the most Jewish platform, the playground of Lorne Michaels himself.