Not every woman tennis player is shaped like Serena.
Yea but we are talking women in general here. Because come on which one will you prefer. A woman with a body or without one. I mean at least put a woman that's attractive that will convince she can have two guys after her.
You're the one moving goalposts though 🤷🏾‍♂️
Ok explain how. All said was how a woman with a little girl body and average face can convince me she can have two guys after her. If you cant dedate this and make your point across in a intelligent matter instead of making little comments. Then you have no say in this discussion.
Yea but do you think she can play this role. I mean she still looks like a little kid. She doesn't have a body at all and build like a little girl. So who in the hell going to believe she has two guys going after her.
Sigh. So the bold is what you said. The answer to your question is all the dissenting opinions in this thread that unequivocally disagree with you.

Sigh. So the bold is what you said. The answer to your question is all the dissenting opinions in this thread that unequivocally disagree with you.

Ok but none of you guys give a reason why. Manhood is lost in some of you guys because you cant even defend or explain what you say. I get it here hoping I could have a grow up discussions on these threads but keep running into the same problem. 👋
Ok but none of you guys give a reason why. Manhood is lost in some of you guys because you cant even defend or explain what you say. I get it here hoping I could have a grow up discussions on these threads but keep running into the same problem. 👋
The fact you think of a not fully developed young girl when you look at a grown petite sized woman is the issue
Ok but none of you guys give a reason why. Manhood is lost in some of you guys because you cant even defend or explain what you say. I get it here hoping I could have a grow up discussions on these threads but keep running into the same problem. 👋
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