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CEO of BET admits to sleeping her way to the top and causing divorce


Active Member

She chose women's history month to highlight women who sleep with bosses make it higher higher while mentioning me too movement in the same clip

Oh it looks like I accidentally stepped into a he-man woman hater club meeting.

My bad fellas... please carry on. I'll see myself out.
See, I really don’t understand this type of post.

This person is being criticized for being a grown ass married adult who decided to have a sexual affair with her married boss.

Then tried to play the victim role.

The comments woulda been the same…. No, scratch that…

…. The comments woulda been a thousand times worse if this was a story about a married MAN who decided to mess around with his female boss, then write a book about “sexual harassment”.

This ain’t about hating women, this is about people who make stupid decisions being held accountable for their actions….

Male or female.
Thread title is something else.

But it is trash for her to be pimping a book about her consensual affair... yes it was fucked up that her choices put her in position to feel like she couldn't leave ... but she chose to cheat on her family just like Bob did.. any fuckery YOU engage in you need to think about the potential ls nobody does ..again at the end of the day women will get it worse but it paid off at the end for her... and it paid off at the end
Nah fam stop!

Its always the womans fault.

If it wasnt for her, dude would have been forever faithful to his wife and kids. Its this one particular womans fault that he cheated.
So she didn't agree to have an affair with another woman's husband. Why y'all giving her a pass