Casual Sex, Ladies?

I think that as long as you and your partner are cool with getting check ups regularly, there's nothing wrong with casual sex. Women have to do so much on a daily basis that our physical needs tend to be neglected when prioritizing. It's healthy to take care of your needs and I don't think it should be contingent on whether one has the time or energy to put into a relationship.

The only issue I faced with casual sex was that men don't find it attractive when we do it. They think your mentality is not feminine cause you want to 'behave/think like men'. Like they hold exclusive rights to casual sex. And it's funny cause the single women I know are way more responsible in that aspect than the single men I know.
I am so afraid of disease that I wasn't/am not a casual sex type of person. Unless my partner/FWB are in agreement to be monogamous (sexually) lol.

It sounds odd, but I has worked. Now, that particular friend ended up wanting to marry me but yeah, it worked for a time.

But mentally, I couldn't separate the thought of disease from random sex, so it would be a turn off. Folks yell condoms, but there are things that condoms can't prevent and a sistah aint trying to get creepy crawlies from no one night stand. lol.

However, I see nothing wrong with it if you have an understanding of the boundaries and rules of engagement. Fellas need not be hypocritical though because if not for the ladies having casual sex, who then would you have sex with? lol So if she a H*e than you are as well.
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