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Captain America: The Winter Soldier vs The Dark Knight

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TDK but TWS is dope also

I didn't like TWS at first but the more times. I seen it the doper it became

But TDK was dope from jump and everything was well executed

There's layers to TWS. And when you watch it after watching the flicks that come before it you start to notice more about it, every piece of the puzzle starts to drop into place. I like that shit.

I think one of the other things that sets TWS apart from the rest of the Marvel flicks is that this is a flick about somewhat normal people making it happen. Cap and Bucky are just enhanced to human limits, Falcon is a normal athletic cat in a jetpack and a pair of Uzi handguns, and Black Widow is an athletic broad with a few gadgets. Everyone handles their part with wit and will and not much else whereas Thor is a demigod with incredible strength levels, flight, control over lightning at unlimited levels, and an indestructible hammer (at this point anyways) that only he can wield, Hulk has unlimited strength, speed, and durability, and Iron Man is a walking death machine (these are the characters up to that point in the MCU).
I just rewatched both flicks today.

Nothing in The Dark Knight matches the intensity of the fight scenes or the chases in The Winter Soldier. When Bats went up against the SWAT team in the building all his motions was stiff and slow as fuck... For that matter, any time he fights it's slow and clumsy looking whereas the fight scenes in TWS, particularly Cap vs Bucky at the bridge, are all beautiful to watch.



That said, I think that's just an issue with Batman in general 'cause BvS and Justice League had the same problem, even the original Batman and Batman Returns was kinda on the stiff side.
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