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Canceling 50k in Student Debt?

Change a playa life ??. Wipe my slate clean. College is a useful tool but a sucker game at same time if you drink Kool aid cuz they mislead as to direct value in real world.
Most educated
Most school loans
And pushed hardest to put them in office.

Its a good thing....but as stated earlier - It doesn't fix the problem... Education is overpriced and watered down...

Student loans really became a bigger issue when the gov decided to subsidize it and make it nearly impossible to discharge in bankruptcy. College tuition really started to be hyper inflated... Costs rising more than 150%+ over previous decade. When college tuition outpaces inflation and wages, that's a problem....combined with a failing economy, fighting two wars at the same time, foreclosure crisis, incentives to outsource jobs... I believe the Gov needs to fix this problem...
Recently graduated and would love it. I know people that would need more though. Learning cost a lot and you can get unlucky and get a horrible professor. Some places only have 1 professor for the course you need too. I've had lots of professors brag about failing students and keeping them from graduating. There's also times when your course can't be taken in a certain semester but you needed it to be full time which creates more problems

You can also not know what you wanna do and take the wrong courses and rack up the debt because you have bad advisors that don't care
I’m all for getting rid of student loan debt. I also think trade schools should be installed in high schools as a regular course. Like you should be able to graduate and need next to nothing to become a licensed plumber.

My only issue is the complaints about student loan debts. Because it’s college and considered “higher education” people start preaching about Wall st and predatory lending. When in reality you would have took that debt no matter what because you thought it was worth it. It didn’t pay off in the end or it’s not paying off fast enough for some people. So they scream all these excuses. Just say you make a mistake and you can’t afford to keep paying. It’s nothing wrong with that.

When I was I HS nearly every public school had a tech program you could opt into starting your junior year. So you'd go to regular class the first half of the day then spend the 2nd half of the day learning a trade.
Shiiit...I got kicked out after my second semester....and that was 25 years ago....they can give me what I would’a spent...plus inflation...I gotta be looking at like 250k lol
I paid off my student loans debt last year so this doesn’t do anything for me. I always tell people if the career that they getting into is not high earning or worth the debt then you shouldnt take the loan. Don’t make sense to go into debt for a anthropology degree and you ain’t doing shit in anthropology
Progressives calling for cancelling $50k of student debt. Could have swore I heard Psaki mention $100k which would be even better.

They need to also put a provision in that sets the balance back to the original balance. The accrued interest from forbearances on them bitches can push your balance up tens of thousands of dollars.