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Breaking News Canada Bans Assault-Style Weapons After Shooting Rampage

I have to ask you again... how many police or racist crackas have you shot yet? With an assault rifle, btw. Not just some regular shit that nobody's talking about regulating.

Thats asinine. I dont have to have shot somebody to justify having firearms for self defense. Have I been in situations that caused me to have a need for them is a better question.

And you're blind if you don't see the whole "we're not coming for your handguns" is bullshit. ARs are just the low hanging fruit

Now tell me how will banning semi auto rifles, change anything when there is an unkown number already in circulation in the US? Wheres the resources to track them down and confiscate?

Cuz without doing that, a ban is pretty pointless
Thats asinine. I dont have to have shot somebody to justify having firearms for self defense. Have I been in situations that caused me to have a need for them is a better question.

And you're blind if you don't see the whole "we're not coming for your handguns" is bullshit. ARs are just the low hanging fruit

Now tell me how will banning semi auto rifles, change anything when there is an unkown number already in circulation in the US? Wheres the resources to track them down and confiscate?

Cuz without doing that, a ban is pretty pointless

You do realize that what we call assault weapons were banned in the US for years, right? Nobody took away any handguns or shotguns or hunting rifles during that time. Also nobody's kids were getting shot to shit at their schools every 2 months.

It aint no damn official classification. Just like AR doesnt stand for Assault Rifle. Its a political term, military style would be more accurate.

Everybody knows a firearm, hand gun or rifle, is capable of killing. But which sounds more threatening, a rifle or an "assault" weapon? Come on with that.

OK let's say you join the military. Do they just hand you a gun or do they do a background check and then make you go through some training first? Because that's pretty much what all us normal people are asking for before any joe blow can cop a kill 30 kids in 20 minutes weapon.
You do realize that what we call assault weapons were banned in the US for years, right? Nobody took away any handguns or shotguns or hunting rifles during that time. Also nobody's kids were getting shot to shit at their schools every 2 months.

No shit. Yet the gun control argument didn't stop there did it?
OK let's say you join the military. Do they just hand you a gun or do they do a background check and then make you go through some training first? Because that's pretty much what all us normal people are asking for before any joe blow can cop a kill 30 kids in 20 minutes weapon.

You do know you have to pass a federal background check to purchase a firearm right? And in order to get a license to carry, you need to pass a training course and get finger printed and background checked by the local authorities.

And the bolded can be done just as easily with a handgun. Actually, one could do more damage with a handgun because a semi auto rifle is going to start overheating a lot faster, than a pistol.
Let's put it this way... when's the last time you heard of a regular citizen use an AK or AR to do something awesome like defend his home or family or person? Or even bag a 6 point buck.

I'll wait.
Yeah I'm not talking about the gun control argument. I'm talking about gun control.

My point is you wanna act like that ended the gun control effort. It didn't. Handguns were targeted next. The only reason those weren't banned was that it woulda been political suicide. Along with the fact that it's a big money making business.
My point is you wanna act like that ended the gun control effort. It didn't. Handguns were targeted next. The only reason those weren't banned was that it woulda been political suicide. Along with the fact that it's a big money making business.

No that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is all the fearmongering and doom and gloom that was predicted by the NRA never came to life. You can limit people's access to certain weapons that the general public just shouldn't have without disrupting anyone's life, safety or freedom in any negative way. It's already been proven so it's hard to make the argument against it
Let's put it this way... when's the last time you heard of a regular citizen use an AK or AR to do something awesome like defend his home or family or person? Or even bag a 6 point buck.

I'll wait.

Often actually. And I know some personally who have used them to defend themselves and their family successfully.

Listen, you don't like guns or semi auto rifles in particular, then fine. If you're angry at school shootings, then be angrier at the government that refuses to go after the nutjobs who most often do this shit, - white men. They target everybody else based on profiles but won't do it to their own. That's the real issue.

But I'm not going to keep going back and forth with your hypothetical scenarios.
Often actually. And I know some personally who have used them to defend themselves and their family successfully.

Listen, you don't like guns or semi auto rifles in particular, then fine. If you're angry at school shootings, then be angrier at the government that refuses to go after the nutjobs who most often do this shit, - white men. They target everybody else based on profiles but won't do it to their own. That's the real issue.

But I'm not going to keep going back and forth with your hypothetical scenarios.

What's hypothetical about school shootings? That shit is as american as apple pie at this point. Is school stabbings a thing? School poisonings? Strangulations?

You see where I'm going here?

And as far as white men go... a white man with no gun is a whole different beast than a white man with an assault rifle.
No that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is all the fearmongering and doom and gloom that was predicted by the NRA never came to life. You can limit people's access to certain weapons that the general public just shouldn't have without disrupting anyone's life, safety or freedom in any negative way. It's already been proven so it's hard to make the argument against it

Yeah but it wasn't from lack of effort. That's the whole point. Banning certain firearms wasn't enough.

How has the bold been proven exactly? Because that's objective

You do know 30 ppl die everyday from drunk drivers, 10k a year right? A very good friend of mine was killed by one, along with her unborn baby.
Should we ban or limit alcohol sales?

I think we should. Nobody NEEDS to buy fifths of liquor.

How about distracted driving. How many deaths and accidents happen every year from ppl tryna text and take fuckin selfies while driving? Do we force automakers to install devices that block phone signals inside vehicles?
What's hypothetical about school shootings? That shit is as american as apple pie at this point. Is school stabbings a thing? School poisonings? Strangulations?

You see where I'm going here?

And as far as white men go... a white man with no gun is a whole different beast than a white man with an assault rifle.

Wasn't talking about school shooting.

Was talking about your "have you" questions

Your last statement ain't applicable to what we're discussing. You're specifically talking about gun control and school shootings. The white man with the rifle is the problem there. Do you disagree?
Yeah but it wasn't from lack of effort. That's the whole point. Banning certain firearms wasn't enough.

How has the bold been proven exactly? Because that's objective

You do know 30 ppl die everyday from drunk drivers, 10k a year right? A very good friend of mine was killed by one, along with her unborn baby.
Should we ban or limit alcohol sales?

I think we should. Nobody NEEDS to buy fifths of liquor.

How about distracted driving. How many deaths and accidents happen every year from ppl tryna text and take fuckin selfies while driving? Do we force automakers to install devices that block phone signals inside vehicles?

I would be 100% ok with that since people have proven themselves to not be responsible with technology. Military guns is a form of technology that the average dildo simply shouldn't have access to.

I'm old so I know what it's like to live in a no texting while driving and also no mass shootings every 3 days world so I can say for a fact that it wasn't that bad at all.

But as far as the liquor goes I don't support that slander.
Wasn't talking about school shooting.

Was talking about your "have you" questions

Your last statement ain't applicable to what we're discussing. You're specifically talking about gun control and school shootings. The white man with the rifle is the problem there. Do you disagree?

Nah anybody with an assault rifle is an issue for me personally. The world is stressful enough as it is.


Listen, you don't like guns or semi auto rifles in particular, then fine. If you're angry at school shootings, then be angrier at the government that refuses to go after the nutjobs who most often do this shit, - white men.

That's what I was relpying to.