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Can we all finally agree ….

Both dems and republicans dropped the ball during the covid-19 pandemic?

  • Yes, Both failed greatly

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • No, Did you forget about trump?

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Eh… im on the fence

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters
Our government is trash and they definitely failed us, but to be fair we've got a large segment of our population that were willing to go to war over wearing masks. I can't really say that our nation deserves better than what we have as leaders. After all, we're the one putting those clowns in office, and I mean "we" as in the American populace not anyone on this site in particular.
Our government is trash and they definitely failed us, but to be fair we've got a large segment of our population that were willing to go to war over wearing masks. I can't really say that our nation deserves better than what we have as leaders. After all, we're the one putting those clowns in office, and I mean "we" as in the American populace not anyone on this site in particular.

Just in case someone else says "voting is useless" and all that other shit....

I can't talk directly on USA issue but what's happening around Europe is cases will continue to rise. But deaths are relatively low compared to this time last year and winter so it's proof to them the vaccine is working (to them) why they are pushing it on people.
China dropped the ball when they let this out and hid it. Dems and Reps dropped the ball when they built up this frenzy about covid, so now they have to keep the same energy, and there's no end to it.

How about every country force China to give them details about what they did to create this in the first place.
How about every country force China to give them details about what they did to create this in the first place.
China isn't folding to the pressure plus they had a good year to hide any evidence while people politicized the origins in the US.

Plus if that shit did come from the lab it would most likely (in my opinion) implicate some of the US scientists/agencies as well.

So there's no real urgency to figure out the truth behind one of the worst pandemics of all us life time.
Certain Western nations had a mountain to climb controlling this virus alongside the pandemic because they're supposedly 'democracies': govt of the people etc

Countries like China however are authoritarian in governance and of course communist... meaning the word of (federal) government is FINAL. Meaning if there is a directive to stay your ass indoors unless absolutely necessary or wear a mask (very common in many parts of Asia) ... you had better AND will do it or face consequences. And that's why also Countries like China handle pandemics with finesse...

However in America and Countries like Britain you have entitled and privileged citizens saying "fuck the government... you don't control me or my rights..." ... the amount of people I see in public without a mask especially in enclosed spaces is alarming even with full restrictions lifted

I still wear a face covering, social distance as possible, have had both jabs and still 0 when it comes to a COVID test... had one today at work
Trump completely did when that phone call was released of him wanting to downplay the whole thing. (and did exactly that)

The response was poor from everyone but that’s expected. We had no clue what we were dealing with; how it became, how it spreads, how it infects, how easy is transmission, how deadly is this, who is vulnerable… so many variables to have to learn, consider and have funds for. China was covering up a lot of stuff, too.

so yeah, expect the ball to be dropped in such a chaotic time in such a small timeframe…
We was in here was joking about the shit at the beginning

EVERYBODY shares the blame. Some more than others though.
Gov to blame for its mishandling of this situation, some politicians more than others (Trump, Noem, DeSantis for instance) but toss in news media for misinformation...

Now of course the average citizen is to blame as well (it don't affect black ppl, I'm not wearing a mask it infringes upon my rights, covid parties, spring break, its a New York disease, its a hoax, Antifa, poor hand washing, it's on the coastal areas not the Midwest, going to work when sick, the numbers are fake and ppl aren't dying like that from it). Just blatant ignoring of caution


Time and time again...the American people have gone against their best interest.

EVERYONE is to blame. From the politrickans...to the media...to people walkin about who refused to protect themselves and others.

But experts have said it's still early to tell if children are seriously affected by the delta variant.

Most of those children have relatively mild symptoms, such as runny noses, congestion, coughs or fevers, said Dr. Wassam Rahman, the medical director of the pediatric emergency center at All Children’s. “Most of the kids are not very sick,” he said. “Most will go home and be treated with preventive care at home. But as you might imagine, families are scared.”

A small share of children do develop severe disease, showing up at the hospital with pneumonia or in respiratory distres.

But the research is preliminary, experts said, and there is not yet enough good data on the severity of Delta cases in children.

“There’s no firm evidence that the disease is more severe,” said Dr. Jim Versalovic, the pathologist in chief and interim pediatrician in chief at Texas Children’s Hospital, in Houston, where about 10 percent of children now test positive for the virus, up from less than 3 percent in June. “We certainly are seeing severe cases, but we’ve seen severe cases throughout the pandemic.”
Both are to blame cuz both have left us vulnerable. Virologists have been saying for decades how unprepared our health system is for a major infectious outbreak.

Aint neither party interested in our wellbeing, just business as usual. And we paying the price for it coming to a head these past 2 yrs with the pandemic and uprisings.
Both are to blame cuz both have left us vulnerable. Virologists have been saying for decades how unprepared our health system is for a major infectious outbreak.

Aint neither party interested in our wellbeing, just business as usual. And we paying the price for it coming to a head these past 2 yrs with the pandemic and uprisings.
I think this is how the majority of countries are feeling.

Going forward there should be a global approach on funding for vaccines and ensuring the rich don't take up the majority. Because it's Terrible seeing people in less well off nationns struggle and get nowhere.

As well as a global approach on how to deal with it and if this means richer nations having to fund the less well off for a period of time so be it.

That's a silly tweet.

People never blamed Trump for all the COVID deaths. People are going to die. That's part of there being a pandemic. People blamed for Trump for insistence on working against all reasonable measures to reduce deaths, and his constant spreading of misinformation.

Biden is not doing that, so of course he's not getting the same criticism. I'm not saying Biden can't do more, but if we're being honest, he's not the problem. You can look at the numbers state by state. The states that have governments that are taking the pandemic seriously have better numbers. I'm sure there are measures that Biden can take, but it's not his fault that there are governors like DeSantis and Abbot out there going to war with every effort that would help reduce the spread in their states.