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But What About Black on Black Crime??

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This is a topic that has been a polarizing one as of late. Is it the system or is it black people getting in their own way? Let's discuss.
so you just said fuck it and we gonna hash this out huh?

i respect it and appreciate the thought....was just thinking if you was going to make this or not.....since i feel its aimed at me.....

so lets get it
Both. The system definitely set black people up. There is no question about that. It's crazy when you really look at the history of how blacks had middle class neighborhoods that were basically taken away to make room for I-95. Then after being herded into certain areas, many of the opportunity was taken away from those areas making it hard for the people to recover. Then to top it all off, we know for a fact that the drug war was started just to hurt the black community, and it did that. So there really isn't any question how blacks got to the position where certain neighborhoods are like the wild west.

Still, it's one thing to fall for a trick when you don't know it's coming. It's a whole other matter to continue to fall for tricks after you're up on game. It's sort of like smoking cigarettes. When the tobacco companies were lying about the effects of cigarettes and people were smoking themselves to death, that was on the tobacco companies. If now, after the truth comes out, you still choose to pick up a cigarette and kill yourself slowy, that's your fault. A lot of these cats out here now aren't engaging in certain activities because their circumstances demand it. They are doing it because that's the way of life they have accepted. When a dude sees someone on Facebook live, he makes a choice to go out an kill that person. The system didn't make him do that.

The system has to be fixed for sure, but the BoBC problem won't end unless we fix ourselves too.
i feel it is both....but for different reasons.
being that i am one of the older guys around here and seen alot, i see things in a way most dont outside of @Cain and @konceptjones and a few others.

i just dont feel we can blame someone or something when we or that person is not trying or following the wrong path.

kinda like what jimmy henchman tried to just use.....how can you blame the system when you out here killing people and shipping drugs cross country? if you a millionaire...why must you do that? at that point you have the means to not have to do that but you choosing to do it.
then you have the media that set up black people too.

when our mind is not strong enough to separate entertainment from truth....we live blurred lives.

I once told my wife why i hated Oprah....she was shocked.

what Oprah did was set up alot of black women to not need a man. It was shoved down their throats. She was successful and chose to not marry and build her empire be herself. and alot of her early shows was shitting on men.
then the women eat that shit up and it became a rallying cry that a woman doesnt need a man. they can do it without a man.
that and then you had the songs about being independent.
add on top of that......these woman had daughters and they stressed the same things to these girls and now we have another generation thinking they dont need men.
not once did any of them look at it like that was Oprahs walk and not your. but the fact oprah was propelled into the stratosphere off of that...speaks volumes. and beyonce.....ms put a ring on it.....and ms independent.....is married with children now. yet...she had a worldwide anthem and stayed with a cheating man. how did that work out for the ladies?

then the men.....smdh.
so you just said fuck it and we gonna hash this out huh?

i respect it and appreciate the thought....was just thinking if you was going to make this or not.....since i feel its aimed at me.....

so lets get it
Lol nah this wasn’t aimed specifically to you (this time) this is a thread to specifically speak on black on black crime. Because whenever something happens there is always some sort of deflection.
the men are the main problem in most of this....simply because they allowed fuck shit dictate who they are.

we have the mentally weakest men out of all men.
the only men who still want to be teenagers at 40.
still worry about looking cool and competing for young girls with the young dudes.

too many of us want to live the easy life without the work.
too many trap stars, and athletes and shit who dont do what they should to uplift our communities...

niggas made it out and dont look back.
and miss me with the charity work shit......im getting heated thinking about this fuck shit.

case and point. kevin garnett didnt invest in black businesses...her lost his money being conned by white dudes.....i dont feel sorry for him.

do you realize how far $77mil can go building up a community?

just dumb

waitl.......let me settle down a bit.......
the war on drugs did generational damage....

their was once a hierarchy to this drug shit.

but when the shit flooded into the hoods......it allowed fuck niggas to make fast money.
and when fuck niggas make fast money....they still fuck niggas. and they smashing chicks who are attracted to the money...and now you have a gold digger and fuck nigga making a child. she dont want the kid because she want the next nigga to take care of her...he dont want the kid because he was a fuck nigga to start with.grandma raising the kid and the kid dont want to listen cause grandma cant catch him to spank him. so he acting out. or the lil girl running around with dad abandonment issues and poppin it for whoever gives her attention. and other fuck niggas give her attention and the cycle continues.

and lets not talk about those addicted to drugs.
The problem is that there will always be crime in low income and deprived areas. That is due to a lack of resources and opportunities and in some cases not everybody is going to live their lives strictly on the straight and narrow path. Some make it out like Dos, others work 9-5’s and some do illegal activities, others succumb to drugs and alcohol. If we want crime to be reduced then we need to put resources back into these communities and the sick catch 22 is when they do put resources back in these communities it’s because of gentrification.
The problem is that there will always be crime in low income and deprived areas. That is due to a lack of resources and opportunities and in some cases not everybody is going to live their lives strictly on the straight and narrow path. Some make it out like Dos, others work 9-5’s and some do illegal activities, others succumb to drugs and alcohol. If we want crime to be reduced then we need to put resources back into these communities and the sick catch 22 is when they do put resources back in these communities it’s because of gentrification.
Not enough resources came back and not enough people respect the resources that do come.

Case and point.
Detroit has a bball team and football team. I saw the cost of housed in the lower income areas.
His many black players invested in the homes or communities to fix them up and have an investment?
Or did they see....I'd only make $300/mn rent. How's that gonna help me when I got millions.
That's a short term way of thinking and overlooking what can be done.
Who's buying up Detroit now...@detroit posters?

Gentrification is allowed to happen.
If you got cars on a block where it cost more than a house on that same block....that person needs to do their part.

Which is another problem. Who's doing their part?

You can give some people all the opportunity in the world some people are still gonna go left..

Thats not even accounting for conflict resolution, sensitivity, insecurity over compensation low self esteem etc etc that afflict people and manifest itself in destructive ways
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Not enough resources came back and not enough people respect the resources that do come.
I think you most have some low opinion of black people if this is what you think. Most people that do blue collar crime do it because they had no resources in the first place.

Case and point.
Detroit has a bball team and football team. I saw the cost of housed in the lower income areas.
His many black players invested in the homes or communities to fix them up and have an investment?
Or did they see....I'd only make $300/mn rent. How's that gonna help me when I got millions.
That's a short term way of thinking and overlooking what can be done.
Who's buying up Detroit now...@detroit posters?
It’s not basketball and football players responsibility and putting it on them is lazy. Some players do get into real estate. But it’s the governments responsibility to help their citizens at the end of the day.

Gentrification is allowed to happen.
If you got cars on a block where it cost more than a house on that same block....that person needs to do their part.

Which is another problem. Who's doing their part?
What does gentrification have to do with cars on a block? These black communities aren’t owned by black people, other groups own the buildings and real estate and the few black owned ones get bought out to make way for expensive condos and apartments.
I think you most have some low opinion of black people if this is what you think. Most people that do blue collar crime do it because they had no resources in the first place.

It’s not basketball and football players responsibility and putting it on them is lazy. Some players do get into real estate. But it’s the governments responsibility to help their citizens at the end of the day.

What does gentrification have to do with cars on a block? These black communities aren’t owned by black people, other groups own the buildings and real estate and the few black owned ones get bought out to make way for expensive condos and apartments.
gentrification has alot to do with cars on the block.....
its about priorities.
short term thinking.
fuck a car when i can have a house.....and if i want a car afterwards i can use my HELOC to get it. or i can use my HELOC to get and invest in another home.

and i think sports player from these areas do have a certain responsibility....in philly i got plenty of homes that cost like $20k. yea, i needed to put work into it....but i have a long term vision. yet someone can have a $35k car and renting? how? unless the person just dont want the problems that come with a home...ok. but that cant be the norm..

and i dont have a low opinion of black people. if you read between the lines of all my post when i talk about this....it is saying i know we are more than where we are. alot of people cant think for themselves and need to be told what to do and how to think and what to think. why?

its sad because its not just america....its in the UK and France. Germany and alot of places. But the thing is.....we americans are in a unique position. like it or not....the black people outside the states look up to us. but they also wonder why are we blowing our chances to build something. This goes for black brazillians, black domincans, Haitian to an extent.....i have seen and heard this with my own eyes.

they follow what we make cool. and if we make cool drug use , ignorance and crime.....the shit becomes a disease.
short term thinking is a disease.
self hatred becomes a disease.
toxic communication becomes a disease.

the media portrayal of us is a disease.

all this shit coming at weak minded people can make them into what the media wants them to be.
and people pill on.....toxic masculinity whos that aimed at? black men.
who is promoted to wear dresses? black men.
who makes lyrics about killing niggas when i see them? black men.
who talks about she a hoe, fuck her and fuck her friend? black men.

whos the gatekeepers? whos stopping this shit from coming in a poisoning our kids minds?
the kids are fed that they aint shit because they are black.....if you make it...you will be ostracized. who promotes uncle toms?

bruh if the men dont stand up for our community....we are doomed.

it all starts in the mind.
even on the plantations......it was house niggas and field niggas....we never talk about the third group....the dreamers. the ones who wanted more for us.

these are the people the field and house niggas hated more than they hated each other......and guess what...its still that way.

just yesterday i was reading the old shit on the IC and saw how many people dont think we are anything more than what they give us.
and for someone like me to say we can have more....and to be clowned for thinking it......bruh....i got receipts....its sad.

i will even come my own pocket to invest in shit and its been proven.....how many people take me up on it? out of all the people on the IC....like 5...only two was really serious and one felt slighted so he talked shit.

like i said before....i would just like to to sit in on one of the meeting i have.....after that....i beg you to tell me that alot of u are not mentally fucked up.

sorry for the long post....this is something i am passionate about because i see so much that can help us....but we wont get it because its not right around the corner.
gentrification has alot to do with cars on the block.....
its about priorities.
short term thinking.
fuck a car when i can have a house.....and if i want a car afterwards i can use my HELOC to get it. or i can use my HELOC to get and invest in another home.
You’re comparing apples to cheeseburgers bruh.
and i think sports player from these areas do have a certain responsibility....in philly i got plenty of homes that cost like $20k. yea, i needed to put work into it....but i have a long term vision. yet someone can have a $35k car and renting? how? unless the person just dont want the problems that come with a home...ok. but that cant be the norm..
That’s different. It’s one thing for a player to give back to his community like LeBron has done. But it’s another to put the responsibility on players to help fix entire black communities, it’s the responsibility of the same people that created the problems in the first place.
and i dont have a low opinion of black people. if you read between the lines of all my post when i talk about this....it is saying i know we are more than where we are. alot of people cant think for themselves and need to be told what to do and how to think and what to think. why?
You’re contradicting yourself now.
its sad because its not just america....its in the UK and France. Germany and alot of places. But the thing is.....we americans are in a unique position. like it or not....the black people outside the states look up to us. but they also wonder why are we blowing our chances to build something. This goes for black brazillians, black domincans, Haitian to an extent.....i have seen and heard this with my own eyes.

they follow what we make cool. and if we make cool drug use , ignorance and crime.....the shit becomes a disease.
short term thinking is a disease.
self hatred becomes a disease.
toxic communication becomes a disease.
It’s hard to build things collectively due to various circumstances. The few black people that are in position do build generational wealth, but not everyone is in that position, how can you build for the future when you can hardly build for yourself?
The thing about black people in certain parts of the world they think it’s easy in the US and they can’t comprehend how someone in the US can be poor until they get to the US and they find out for themselves.

they follow what we make cool. and if we make cool drug use , ignorance and crime.....the shit becomes a disease.
short term thinking is a disease.
self hatred becomes a disease.
toxic communication becomes a disease.

the media portrayal of us is a disease.
Black people don’t control the media, they choose to push certain images, if we truly controlled the media we would show us in a much better light, but negative stereotypes are always pushed to the forefront to define us.
all this shit coming at weak minded people can make them into what the media wants them to be.
and people pill on.....toxic masculinity whos that aimed at? black men.
who is promoted to wear dresses? black men.
who makes lyrics about killing niggas when i see them? black men.
who talks about she a hoe, fuck her and fuck her friend? black men.
So once again you have a low opinion on black people? And who controls the media that pushes all those negative stereotypes in the first place?
whos the gatekeepers? whos stopping this shit from coming in a poisoning our kids minds?
the kids are fed that they aint shit because they are black.....if you make it...you will be ostracized. who promotes uncle toms?
Who’s saying any of this?
bruh if the men dont stand up for our community....we are doomed.

it all starts in the mind.
even on the plantations......it was house niggas and field niggas....we never talk about the third group....the dreamers. the ones who wanted more for us.

these are the people the field and house niggas hated more than they hated each other......and guess what...its still that way.

just yesterday i was reading the old shit on the IC and saw how many people dont think we are anything more than what they give us.
and for someone like me to say we can have more....and to be clowned for thinking it......bruh....i got receipts....its sad.

i will even come my own pocket to invest in shit and its been proven.....how many people take me up on it? out of all the people on the IC....like 5...only two was really serious and one felt slighted so he talked shit.

like i said before....i would just like to to sit in on one of the meeting i have.....after that....i beg you to tell me that alot of u are not mentally fucked up.

sorry for the long post....this is something i am passionate about because i see so much that can help us....but we wont get it because its not right around the corner.
unfortunately we don’t have a community, we are just a bunch of people living amongst each other. Good for you for trying to build and help people, but even then there’s only so much you can do with that. We need likeminded people to come together and build but even with that we still disagree on things so it’s hard to get things done. We need a code first but easier said than done.
Thats because Black on Black crime is no more a “thing” than white on white crime or asian on asian, or hispanic on hispanic

Its all about the narrative.

And guess who controls that?
Thing is...everything I said can be done and corrected with a code.
And with that code...outsiders can't break us or come in.
With that code, priorities will be taught.
With that code, ethics will be taught.
With that code, critical thinking will be taught.
Once that's in place...nothing else is needed because the domino effect will take over and we will be good.
Crime will still be there...but it won't be a way of life.
Look at these racists they bicker amongst themselves but they know how to get on code when it’s something that affects them. They never take up for others over their own even when their own is in the wrong, they don’t tear down their own in favor of others. They don’t think their own are their enemies unless they are proven to be treacherous who side with their enemies (blacks).

We are too divided, we all think we’re better than each other and we look down on certain black folks meanwhile our real enemies look at all of us as the same.
Look at these racists they bicker amongst themselves but they know how to get on code when it’s something that affects them. They never take up for others over their own even when their own is in the wrong, they don’t tear down their own in favor of others. They don’t think their own are their enemies unless they are proven to be treacherous who side with their enemies (blacks).

We are too divided, we all think we’re better than each other and we look down on certain black folks meanwhile our real enemies look at all of us as the same.
Along with a poverty mindset.
Which is....I need someone to help me. Not you cause you black and your not better than me so I'll wait on my oppressors to treat me better.
Not enough resources came back and not enough people respect the resources that do come.

Case and point.
Detroit has a bball team and football team. I saw the cost of housed in the lower income areas.
His many black players invested in the homes or communities to fix them up and have an investment?
Or did they see....I'd only make $300/mn rent. How's that gonna help me when I got millions.
That's a short term way of thinking and overlooking what can be done.
Who's buying up Detroit now...@detroit posters?

Gentrification is allowed to happen.
If you got cars on a block where it cost more than a house on that same block....that person needs to do their part.

Which is another problem. Who's doing their part?

Detroit's a bit more complicated than that. I agree that the sports figures could do more, and some have. Dave Bing opened Bing Steel and later flipped that to The Bing Group. Joe Dumars opened Detroit Technologies and has two sports complexes in Metro Detroit. Bill Laimbeer had Laimbeer Packaging Corp downriver until it closed. Derrick Coleman came back to Tha D and opened up business plus dude was personally driving loads of water and supplies up to Flint at the height of the water crisis. Those are the few I can think of off the top of my head.

But the real issue comes from media manipulation by well moneyed, well connected white folk that live in Metro Detroit that still have the legacy of Coleman Young in their pocket. I keep saying this over and over, and will continue until someone finally "gets it", but everything you see happening in Detroit is manufactured by people like Mike Illitch that wanted to buy up parts of Tha D, specifically downtown and the riverfront, and had to drive the price of property down dramatically. They did so by capitalizing on the two housing bubbles that burst in our lifetimes. The first in the mid-late 80's which happened at the time of the S&L crisis, and the last one. The problem for people like me is that I was there for the first one and I'm seeing the exact same "storylines" being told about Detroit. In the 80's there were vacant homes, whole neighborhoods being razed, burned down houses, "urban gardens" popping up in the hood, rolling blackouts of the streetlights... all the same shit you see now.

So in part or in whole, Detroit's issues are intentionally caused to create conditions conducive to a land grab so people like Illitch (and now his kids since he died last year) can buy low, develop the properties, and sell high . Think Ed Wuncler's tactics when he wanted to buy Meadowlark Park from the State in "The Itis".