@Ohreally87 i know you dont have remorse about it, since its been 3 years. Keep putting on a front for people you dont even appreciate. I know ducking charges for your psychotic behavior is more important to you than your intergrity. Funny thing is, these guys not believing what happened just proves how crazy you are for what you did.
Couldve shot me down when i gave you my number. Couldve left me alone when i left la after realizing you had me come there just to be stood up. Couldve played off having my phone hacked if you didnt follow me to big bear afterwards. But you didnt.
Id ask what i did to you, but ive asked before and you didnt make any honest admission. Best thing you came up with was someone hacked into your onlyfans, set all that up with me, then deleted the messages. Keep ignoring, blocking, and gaslighting. Been working out for ya so far.